chapter three

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I left the toilet and proceeded to collect my assignment from the English room when I was stopped by someone calling my name. I turned around to see Angel and her posy behind her giving me screws. They walked towards me slowly like say I have all day and they were soon 7cms away from me.

Angel looked at me and shook her head giving a scuff “your such a sket”

I turned around and walked away until someone manhandled me back. I grabbed my hand back and rubbed it as I felt it throbbing.

“Oh so now you want to seem all defensive and wanna GET ALL BRAVE, you best calm yourself” Helena screamed in my face. I took a space back because I didn’t like the smell of her breath and she was all up in my personal space.

“you know what I have a hair appointment in an hr and I just want to make this clear to you stay away from my man otherwise you will see” with that she flicked her lace hair in my face before her friends kissed her teeth and followed like sheep’s.

After collecting me things I walked to the gates to find Ramel standing there leaning against it while Angel was saying how he should come with her to the salon. He rejected and I couldn’t help but laugh in the inside. I walked past making my presence clear and Ramel shouted my name. I stopped and I felt a presence next to me before continuing my journey.

“Did you enjoy your day” I gave a simple nod and headed towards the shopping mall to go and buy a few things. When we got there I bought baby formula and nappies for KD because she was coming back today Ramel kindly paid for the things and I smiled gratefully. He held my waist directing me to McDonalds so he could order a chicken legend. We patiently lined up while he was pinging away on his blackberry looking at me from time to time.

“Are we going yours afterwards” he questioned not looking up at me

“No I need to pick my sister up”

The way his head whipped my way, maybe he was surprised that I spoke. Lately I have been seeing the therapist about me hardly speaking so I can be an “ordinary teenager”. We got a straight bus to my brother’s house where they were jamming outside their flat with blacked out boys. I wasn’t scared because I know all of them, when I got closer they all looked at me and smiled and said hey. I could tell Ramel felt uncomfortable till he saw his cousin; I saw my beautiful sister in her buggy looking up at me with glassy eyes so I knew she was going to cry. I crouched down to her level and sang one of her favourite song and she started drifting off; I stood back up on my feet and picked up the baby bag hanging it on the pram looking up. Everyone was looking at me as if I had something on my face, I gave Ramel the look and he knew I wanted to leave. He hugged his cousin before pushing the pram.

I walked closer to my brother’s kissing them both of the cheeks not before waving the boys goodbye and catching up with Ramel. We stood at the bus stop while people were staring at us. I overheard some of them saying

“They look like a beautiful family and the baby is gorgeous “and “I know right, I’m glad they are together knowing the father is still there”

For some reason I found myself blushing and Ramel realised. He put one of his arm around me while the other hand was pushing the buggy forward and backwards. I rested my head on his shoulder feeling rather sleepy; I looked ahead seeing someone staring from across the street, I squinted my eyes trying to see the face then the bus blocked it. Ramel stood up walking towards it and I followed, I tapped my oyster and sat behind the buggy looking out the window to see if the person was still there but they weren’t.

I still had curiously to who it may have been. Why they were watching with such concentration, focussing on every detail on me giving a weak smile with them piercing beady eyes looking straight at me, I could have sworn I’ve seen her before but I couldn’t put my mind to it.

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