(FTO) Kidnapped, then thrown out

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Slight! Mario x David

Type: Humor

Warnings: Unedited.


David wandered around Atlantide, his head currently in the clouds, a perfect victim for some veryyy evil villains. Though, that's farther into the story.

David hummed to himself, shoving his hands into his pockets as he absentmindedly kicked stones along the path.

It seemed quieter than usual, a thought that made David's eyes narrow. Though he seemed relax, his hand was over the knife in his pocket.

Whistling as he walked, eyes from the shadows watched him, smirks growing on their faces.

"Damn," David muttered as he stopped at a lone stand, picking up a small statue of a golden dragon raising the earth. A small smile grew on his face, "Mario would like this.." A blush, barely noticeable, tinted his face as he shoved the dragon statue in his jacket pocket.

Suddenly, he heard giggles, before darkness erupted his vision. His hand slipping from the dragon statue. "Good job, team.."


David's eyes drowsily opened, his vision blurry as he glanced around the room, his frown deepening as he didn't recognize the room.

Last thing he remembered was-! His eyes widened as he began to struggle. He was kidnapped.. Didn't take an idiot to find that out. Whoever kidnapped him was smart, they bounded his hands with magic blocking rope as well as gaging him.

Smart. David struggled in his bounds, his eyes darting around the room for anything that could possibly help him.

"Oh please be a dear and calm down." A voice remarked. David quickly turned around, well tired to turn around, more like he scuttled around before the chair fell to the ground. That was gonna leave a bruise.

Hands pushed the chair up, as well as taking the gag out of his mouth, which he gratefully spitted in return. "Watch where you spit!" A voice, which appeared to be Eden, yelled.

David just chuckled, relaxing in the chair. "Uh, no thank you." David commented, smoothing his hair out with his now free-

"Wait! When did you free yourself!?" Eden cried out, his red eye twitching with annoyance.

"Eh, it's a skill." Eden huffed, running a hand through his caramel brown hair, grunting as he walked away from the Ice slayer, who now began to oh so happily pick his mouth.

"I regret this already." And regret he did, for a whole hour. Until he was done with David's constant ranting and raving about this stupid boy named Marvin or something like that.

"Oh. My. God! Throw him out!" Eden yelled, pointing at the poor unfortunate soul who had the job of throwing David promptly off the island.

David chuckled, brushing himself off with a huff and mutter about how no one had any respect anymore.

A soft smile morphed on his face, as he slid the dragon statue, which thankfully hadn't broken on impact, out of his pocket.

Now, it was time to get back home, to hopefully confess. As he was going to do before he was oh so rudely interrupted.

A/N: Based off a small incorrect quote I read. Sometimes I wonder how old people perceive me as.

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