(OoO) Past

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: None

Type: Angst?

Warnings: None.. Maybe injures and slight prodding at bulling.


Struggled breaths and whispered pleads fled from Staph mouth. "Please.. " He mustered out, a single tear falling from his face as he struggled to curl up in his small bed.

Everything hurt, such would expect much. Tripping onto a sharp stone path often did that. Staph often wondered how his body didn't fail him, considering the injuries it's withheld, and his small statue.

Staph sniffles lightly, bringing him back to the present, tears now falling at the quicker pace. He curled up around his pillow as best he could muster without stretching the bandages lazily wrapped around his body.

He winced softly, pushing his bruised chest against the mattress painfully. The rocks had done a number on him, piercing his already scabbed hip bone, an event of when he also fell in the garden earlier in the season.

"Please.." He pleaded once more, his voice horse from the salty tears falling down his bandaged face. He winced once more. Why couldn't the gods have mercy on him for once?

Staph slowly sat up, wiping his face with his uninjured elbow. He couldn't lay in bed all day, father would for sure punish him. He had the afternoon shift in the bathhouse. And the night. And the morning. He sniffled once more, giving a weak grunt as his lifted his injured body off the bed.

He should go to the healers, but his father would only be madder, and it meant more questions. With a shiver, he remembered the last time he went to the healers after a 'trip'.

Blocking the memories out with a sigh, he cleaned himself up quickly, careful of his fragile body. He glanced to look in the pudgy mirror, hung lazily on the stone wall of his bedroom.

His hair was matted and dirty, dirt still sticking to dark purple strands. While his clothes had remains of dirt and Stine dust clinging to their last hope. He brushed himself off, running a hand through his hair to give it a puff.

He didn't need to look perfect. It wasn't as if he would be the center of attention unlike his brother. He gave another sigh, looking himself in the eye. "You got this Staph. Only awhile longer and you can leave.." His words were strong with confidence only a fool would believe, he wavered slightly.

Not even he could believe himself.

A/N: To gain understanding, sometimes you have go back to the past.

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