(FTO) Thy shall not suffer alone

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A Mystery yet to be begun.

Ritchie let out a long sigh, nothing seemed to have changed or gave them any leads on where his father could possibly be. Which led him to where he currently stood now, in front of the mystic place which outsiders considered to be a legend, stories that their parents told them to coax them asleep, the place where Ritchie spent the majority of his adulthood. Atlantide. 

    Ritchie recalls the day it all happened, the day where his life changed forever. Almost 8 years ago today. “Fuck.” Ritchie muttered, running a hand through his unruly electric blue hair. “What am I thinking, could Atlantide even help with the problem at hand?” A year ago, a letter had been sent out to him and his brother, Brandon, addressed from the Royal Kingdom and which they grew up in, the Royal Kingdom which they haven’t been to since they started their own path. 

    The letter had stated that they were requested at the Royal Palace, the writing rushed in a way that meant trouble. After having a long talk that night after guild training, they decided that Ritchie would report to the Castle, while Brandon ran the guild they both co-owned. They had both agreed upon not telling the guild as to not raise suspicions, which Ritchie regrets to this day, deciding that it was best Ritchie leave as soon as possible. Which meant leaving early the next morning, early enough that David still had not woken to go on his daily jog.

    And so Ritchie left, giving his brother a small hug before heading into the Portal. The portal that started it all.It was only as Ritchie arrived, in the evening the portal being miles away, he learned the truth. 

    “Sir Ritchie!” A guard Ritchie guessed to be new as he did not recognize the hair covered face. Ritchie took a long glance around before staring back at the guards, one being old with a face full of hair, another being younger, awe filling her eyes.

    “Good evening.” He gave a rusty, but practiced, curt nod. His hand was tensed where it stood on his trusty blade, after being gone for years he still was on edge around the place he used to call home. 

    “Prince Ritchie!” An old woman in a cloth dress ran up to the gates, giving Ritchie a bear hug.

    Ritchie’s face brightened, “Ms. Prenderghast!” He laughed, she used to be his and Brandon’s maid when they were younger, always chasing them around when the day was bright. If there was one thing he missed, it had to be her. A short old woman, smile wrinkles lining her face, and grey steaks popping out in her white bun of hair. She looked to be older, but she still had the glint in her eyes when she was always thinking of a new prank to pull.

    “Oh Ritchie, how we missed you! Where’s your dear brother?” She cooed, letting go of the death hug she inflicted on the younger. Ritchie chuckled, taking a deep breath and letting his body relax, though his hand was still hovering above his tucked away blade.

    “Brandon couldn’t make it unfortunately, but I’m here in the meantime.” Ms. Prenderghast’s shoulders sank, but a small smile still brightened her face. “I don’t mean to be rude, but what was so urgent that you finally contacted us after all these years.” 

    Ms. Prenderghast’s smile fell as her shoulders sank more. She looked Ritchie in the eyes. “You might need to sit down for this one.” 


After settling down in the main seating room with hot cups of tea, Ms. Prenderghast finally took a deep breath. “Ritchie,” Ritchie looked up, “There’s no easy way to say this.” She took another deep breath, flattening her dress before setting down her tea on the dark wood table in front of them.

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