I Meet The Creator Of The Universe, Primordial Council 2

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  "Gaea!", I growled.

The woman or entity in question I called practically went down on her knees begging, "Perseus, I'm sorry please forgive me, that was my evil side, why would I want to destroy the Earth?, as the Gods have Greek and Roman personalities, most of we primordials have good/evil personalities, that was my evil personality and that Ledo boy helped me vanquish her, so please forgive me?" she said.

I heard her mispronunciation of McFizzle's name but why should I correct her, but at least she should have mispronunced it better maybe Leho, Lego, Leggo, Whatever.

Normally, I'll be like "Because of your evil stupid ass, my fellow campers died and the world was almost destroyed, Oh! Greek campers and Roman campers, dryads, and satyrs that I don't remember the name of, I'll avenge you now that I'm in front of your killer", with my sword in hand, water swirling around me, my handsome, oh pretty face red with rage.

I hurriedly popped that thought bubble, imagining myself looking like that, I found myself adorable but stupid. Let the dead live in our memories in peace. This was not a movie where the dead appear in the living's dreams and will be like

" Avenge my death", and other stuffs like that.

I looked up at the primordials and found Chaos smiling, maybe he read my mind, oh my thoughts exposed!!!, Oh the Horror!.

The primordials were looking at me with looks of concern, some had already summoned their weapons ready to stop me in case I go rabid, my heart warmed up with their concern for me.

"It's Okay, the people I would have gotten mad at you for betrayed me so what's stopping me from forgiving", I said with a bitter smile.

She stopped kneeling and stood up and gave me a hug, I hugged her back.

It was as if I forgot that it was this lady that almost drowned me in mug. But, well 'all's well that ends well', Right?

Then she teleported back to her throne.

Back to describing the primordials.

Next to her, was a man that looked a lot like Zeus, not with face, Thank the Go-, well whatever, I don't know who they pray to here, he had an handsome face with lightning blue streaks in his dark hair, sky blue eyes that occasionally flashed with lightning. This was Ouranos, Primordial of the Sky. His throne depicted storms and lightning, and other sky related stuff.

Next to him, was a man with bald head, red eyes and a muscled body and slightly red skin, his throne contained gruesome tortures and horrors of the Pit. This was Tartarus, Primordial of the Pit.

He and Ouranos constantly glowered at each other, I think it's because they're fighting for Gaea's hand, One was the father of the Giants with Gaea and the other the father of the Titans also with Gaea.

I looked at Gaea with admiration in my eyes. She deserved all my admiration. Man! she was really busy.

Next to him, was a man, a very beautiful man, like literally I can't describe his face, all I can say is it was beautiful, with long dark hair, with kaleidoscopic eyes, looking at his eyes, his eyes seemed to interchange between vibrant silver eyes and cold ice-blue unforgiving eyes, he looked knowingly at me. This was Eros, Primordial of Love and Procreation.

" Hi, everybody, I'm Percy Jackson", I said smiling. The females blushed and the males glared at me. I just shrugged, my transcendental charm was a passive ability, what could I do.

"Xup Perce", replied Aether, waving his hands at me. Ah! Perce, a rather nostalgic name, I couldn't just for the life of me remember who called me that.

" Hey"

"We obviously know who you are Perseus", growled Tartarus, rolling his eyes at me.

" Well, may I ask why I'm here?", I asked. Well I knew, I just wanted to confirm from someone else other than Chaos.

Erebus who had been silent since I arrived, finally spoke, "You are here to join the Primordial Council, as the successor of our three brothers, you are entitled to join the council".

Half of me wanted to shout out "I'm not entitled to do anything!!", but that wouldn't sound nice grammatically and morally, wouldn't want to sound like a brat, no one likes brats.

So all I said was, "Cool". They all face palmed at my statement except for Chaos.

'Dude, your mind is colorful as fuck, it's funny, I'll be reading your mind frequently from now on, it might just be the key to freeing me from the shackles of boredom, HAHAHA, hmm hmm, pardon the villianesque laughter', he spoke in my head.

I projected a part of Lil Wayne's 'Outta My Head' into his mind, 'GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HEAD, u boredom shackled dude'.

'Later, Percy', he said.

" Perseus Jackson, ascend your throne", said Chaos pointing to the vacant throne serious once again, this dude is a coat of many colours.

I looked at the throne, looked at myself, looked at Chaos, looked at myself, looked at the primordials, looked at myself again. The Primordials and Chaos just chuckled at my antics.

You might be asking why I was doing that, well the throne was easily 30 feet tall and I was still a shortie, no scratch that an ant, I was pretty sure if the throne had a face, it would be sneering at me, this ant that wanted sully it's beautiful body.

"Just think of how tall you want to be", said Ouranos.

"Um, how tall are you guys?", I asked, scratching my head.
" We?, 40 to 45 feet tall give or take", said Gaea.

Then I closed my eyes and imagined myself being 40 feet tall. I could feel myself growing then it was finished. Then I walked to my throne and sat on it, then something weird happened.

The throne grew straps and bound me tightly to the it.

The only thing I could think was

"Shit, I'm fucked, I'm bound again".

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