Chaos Just Might Be My Bane

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So I was chained just for this???

I looked at the Fates and the Primordials and they all looked down in shame.

I sat on my throne which for something that just chained me down felt surprisingly comfortable. Then asked myself,

I mean, who in their right mind rejects power????


In front of me, were the Primordials and the Fates sweating from stress, so I decided to use my seaweed brained self, I threw my hands up in the air,

"So… that happened", I said smiling, the female Primordials and the Fates blushed and the male ones glared at me.

Shit! Did I get a handsome boost again? 

I summoned a mirror and looked at my face, my hair was all-white now, no more other colors on it and my eyes were still multicolored but now with yellow and purple specks among them. My muscle mass had increased but they still didn't feel huge, I still had my swimmer's build, all in all, my features have been enhanced to the point of perfection if I do say so… 

Until I looked at Chaos and Eros, then I realized I was not perfect but I just might be the third most handsome and beautiful male in the universe, Yeah, take that!! JB and BTS… Haha!

I caught Chaos shaking his head at me, a smile on his face again, I was sure the mind reading bastard read my mind again, Oh! the horror.

Then I remembered one thing when the female primordials blushed, the Fates did too (☉。☉)!

I hurriedly unlocked the space for them to leave, though the Primordials were older than them, at least they still had young faces but the Fates, *dramatic soundtrack* were born old. 

Don't get me wrong people, but these are the Fates, the puppeteers behind my sufferings and challenges, what do you expect me to do? Smile at them and be like "since you blushed when I smiled, we're friends from now on"?, C'mon people!!

These same females bound me in chains because they thought I'll reject my true Primordiallic power! Then a memory of me, rejecting Godhood surfaced, I felt like maybe they weren't wrong after all, but STILL! I felt like I might be betrayed again. Though those were good times, sigh.

The Fates probably sensing the now unlocked space flashed out.

Hmph! Good Riddance, not even a goodbye

As the Fates left, I turned and faced the rest of the Council and asked some questions, 

"Ok guys, why am I not restricted by the ancient laws, and why do I have so many domains? And why are guys so scared of me?"

The Primordials shifted on their thrones.

"As you were born a demigod, not a Primordial or God, that's why you are not restricted by ancient laws and also why monsters still attack you", explained Chaos.

"So that explains it", I said thoughtfully.

"As for the matter of having so many domains, I do too so what's the problem? It just happens", he said throwing his hands in the air.


But I couldn't lie, though it sounded stupid, it was a good answer, but!…

"That's because you're the Creator of the FREAKING universe! I was just a Demig-, I've got to calm down".

I don't know what it is about this dude named Chaos but he just brings out the shouter in me, probably because he was more handsome, or stronger or whatever, all I know is that I had to stop letting him get to me.

I'm Percy, handsome and calm guy extraordinaire, I can deal with a mere creator of the universe, I just have to see him as a mosquito.

'Umm, you know mosquitoes are probably the most annoying creatures right?'

This bastard was reading my mind didn't he have anything better to do?

'Get the fuck out of my head! And stop reading my mind!'

I glared at the smiling dude next to me, he looked back at me and grinned, 


This bastard! 

Probably because I was unstable, the shadows and darkness surrounding Erebus and Nyx started engaging in a tug of war, one side wanting to come over to me and the other wanting to stay with them, the lamps in the throne room glowed very bright, becoming very blinding, the atmosphere in the room turned chilly, tiny snowflakes started falling and other things started happening.

Since I just got these powers I couldn't control them yet, the Primordials seeing this, took action.

The warring darkness and shadows abruptly stopped their tug of war and like obedient puppies went back to Erebus's and Nyx's side respectively.

Aether clenched his fists and the blinding lights abruptly dimmed and went back to normal.

Ouranos opened his mouth and sucked in all the hurricanes in the hall into his belly.

Chaos, still smiling, waved his hands theatrically, and the earthquakes and other natural disasters happening on Planet Chaos stopped almost as soon as they started and the affected places went back to normal.

Then he snapped his fingers, all my domains temporarily became frozen.

"Alright, alright! I'll stop looking into your mind, no need to go all Dragon Ball on me *sheesh", he said to me sassily.

Oh no! He didn't!

He did not just speak sassily to me!

Being sassy is my thing!

Probably sensing my growing indignation, Ouranos cleared his throat, then I remembered that there were other people in the throne room too.

I looked at their faces and I saw that these people were laughing at my own expense.

These bastards!

But I couldn't help smiling, I could feel some tinglings of camaraderie.

I couldn't help it, my eyes reddened on their own.

I just might have a place and people I could call home.

"You asked us why we were scared of you?"


This Ouranos guy! 

Couldn't he see I was getting emotional here?

Why did he have to bring up the past?

The dark past???

Don't be mad guys. I'm sincerely sorry. I was reading for my exams.

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