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The last thing I saw was a flash of lightning, then…


I was transported, then darkness.

I woke up feeling groggy, then I heard some indistinct male voices speaking above me. 

"Do you think he will survive what we want to do to him?", said one voice, at this point I was scared that I just jumped from a frying pan to the fire, another voice said

"Yes I'm sure brother, he will survive, he is very strong", he paused for a second and said, "wake up Perseus, I know you're awake".

What do I do? 

What did they want with me?

And did he just call me Perseus?

"It's Percy", I said, opening my eyes.

Above me, were three men of gigantic statures with handsome features, the trademark of immortals but who the fuck were they?

Two among the three had features of Sea Gods, instinctively I knew they were related to the seas. One had sea-green eyes just like mine but darker and more violent, the other had ocean blue eyes. They both had dark hair.

The third being looked like an ice statue come to life, he had ice hair, pale white skin, and ice blue eyes.

"Hello sirs, what are your names and what do you want with me?" I said as respectfully as I could. Damn, this shit is hard as fuck! Can't stop the sass, it's coming! Aah! it stopped. I fought a really rowdy battle with Persassy in my mind, Bruce Banner could learn some tips from me.

"I had the impression you were going to be overly sarcastic, Percy", said the sea green-eyed one smiling.

You don't mean it

"Well duh, I was almost killed and you expect me to be rude to beings whose auras surpass the Olympians" I replied sarcastically.

Don't ask me how, I just knew. These were beings more powerful than the Olympians. And if there was one thing I knew about Immortals, the stronger they were, the less tolerant they were, especially to those less powerful.

What's that proverb again? Twice bitten, never shy? 

Once bitten, twice shy. 

"Anyways, I'm Pontus, PRIMORDIAL of Water and sea monsters", said the sea green-eyed one, introducing himself.

"I'm Hydros, PRIMORDIAL of the Underworld river and sea monsters", said the ocean blue-eyed one.

"I'm Pagoma, PRIMORDIAL of ice and snow", said the Ice King incarnation. 

I mean I suspected it, but still, suspicion was still suspicion, it couldn't compare to the truth.

There were three primordials in front of me. Beings as strong as Gaea, the strongest threat we had ever faced, and unlike Gaea, they were fully awake and not newly awakened, so they were as strong as ever.

But what did they want me for? Another battle?

He probably read the question in my mind because,

"The reason we're here is, we've been watching you and we've decided there's no better person to be our successor for we wish to fade, so Perseus do you agree?", said Ice King. 


Like, die permanently? 

Of their own free will?

Truly immortality truly was a gift and curse. 

What the hell had they gone through to will themselves death?

"Not that I'm complaining, but why me, my lords?", I asked. 

I wasn't selling myself short but it was still unbelievable, I was chosen to be successors to overpowered suicidal deities and part of me was playing hard to get, I wanted to know what they thought of me.

"Why NOT YOU?", asked Pontus, "simple it's you because you are worthy, so do you want it?".

Where was Thor's Hammer? 

"Yes my lords, this is such an honor".

Are you kidding me?! 

Why wouldn't I want it? There was no girlfriend waiting for me, no fellow campers I had to think for, why the hell wouldn't I want it?

Even when I had her and I had my friends, I was still tempted by immortality so why not accept it?

"I, Pontus, primordial of the seas, sea monsters and creatures hereby bequeath my domains and powers to Perseus Achilles Jackson, I hereby proclaim him my successor, may Allfather Void claim my soul!", then he turned to dust right in front of my eyes, I felt searing pain as if my blood was boiling and I knew it was changing to silver, the blood of the primordials, I fell to my knees screaming in pain, begging it to stop, finally it did, I shakily got to my feet breathing hard, they looked shocked, 

"We didn't expect you to live, anyways are you ready?", asked Hydros.

Hold on! What?

You didn't expect me to live?! 

So if I had died, would you walk away and be like, 'a pity, he was a good kid?'

Truly Immortals, no matter how kind or harmless they seemed, the lives of mortals mattered little to them. They never truly see the lives of mortals as important.

"Yes, my lord", I said, fuming a little inside.

"Drop the, my lord, call me Brother, I, Hydros, primordial of the five rivers of the Underworld and sea monsters hereby bequeath my domains and powers to Perseus Achilles Jackson, I hereby proclaim him my successor, may Allfather Void claim my soul", he also turned to dust. 

I passed through the same process only this time it was much worse, I screamed again and again. I couldn't help it I fainted.

When I woke up later, I noticed I was taller and more muscled. 

I saw Pagoma waiting for me, so I stood up, 

"I'm ready brother", I told him. I can't wait to meet the Olympians again and look down on them and say, "I call your grand-uncles and great grand-uncles brother, who the fuck do you think you are?! Bow to your great grand-brother, Children!"

"Yes Perseus, Pontus, and Hydros forgot to tell you, to gain the true allegiance of the seas and Underworld rivers, you have to fight their physical manifestations or guardians and when you gain the waters allegiance you would become the primordial of ice fully, Do you agree?"

Truly nothing came easily, I still had to fight to fully use my power? 

But what can I do? I accept.

"Yes, brother".

"I, Pagoma, primordial of ice hereby bequeath my domains and powers to Perseus Achilles Jackson I hereby proclaim him my successor may Allfather Void claim my soul, you have all our riches, Perseus, use it well", he then proceeded to turn into dust. 

"Thank you, brothers". As I proceeded to run to Alaska knowing the Gods can probably feel my aura. I then checked into a hotel with my magical credit card given to me by Pagoma, Pontus, and Hydros.


Percy's Thought:

Great Grand-Brother, I like the sound of that. 


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