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Percy POV:

  Before I could register it I was tossed into my mind relieving the worst day of my life at camp half-blood remembering the insults of my so-called friends and acquaintances, the constant bullying, the glares I received, the disowning, the cheating, all I felt sorrow, deep heart wrenching sorrow, I felt like committing suicide, then I heard some voices:

"Join us"

"Kill yourself"

"End your suffering"

"Be free"

"Succumb to the sorrow"

"Join us and be free"

In my mind all I could say was

My own father disowned me, my girlfriend cheated on me, my friends abandoned me, I was killed for being a traitor, this life wasn't worth living anymore, if I do this I could end all my suffering,all my pain, hatred I've been keeping in. I brought out Riptide and uncapped it about to stab my self when I heard a beautiful angelic voice,

"So everyone hates you and you want to kill your self, boy, typical male". I could recognize the voice as Artemis's, I smiled and capped Riptide, I could feel myself, leaving my mind, I could feel my body again, I was on the grassy shores of the Heart.

   Before I could jubilate, I felt pain, deep agonizing pain. I felt as if I was dying slowly, I prayed to all the deities I knew for the suffering to end quickly. As if that wasn't enough, I was suddenly thrown into a vision, I could vaguely hear my self screaming in the background.

   In the vision, I looked down at myself, I was in chains, I was standing upright, I tried to use my powers to free myself, but my powers didn't work, I looked down at the chains again and saw that they were made of Stygian iron and celestial bronze. Then I was transported to a place, a place that smelled of strawberries, a place that was my second home, a place I hated, Camp Half-blood, but where was everyone. I walked to the dining pavilion, there I saw the campers all in chains, kneeling down, with Kronos and the Titans apart from Iapetus and Prophyrion and all the giants apart from Damasen standing above them with an army of monsters. I saw Jason and the rest of the seven on the ground, their glassy eyes staring sightlessly, their throats torn out, some were missing parts if their bodies, they probably died trying to be the heroes they were portrayed to be. Even though I hated them I didn't want them to die though.

   "Perseus Jackson, we will kill all these people and you will be powerless to stop us" said Kronos with a smirk, then he snapped his fingers and I was in chains again, then they started killing them one by one, first went Connor and Travis Stoll, even in death they are together, Katie Gardner, etc. The whole time I could do was scream


   Then as if something snapped in me, I broke the chains, the whole time a sadistic grin on my face. I took out Riptide and said "You will all die now!" Still with a grin on my face, their eyes widened in fear, then I was thrown out of the vision.

    I was back in my body, still writhing in agony on the floor, then suddenly my body started burning, normally as the primordial of the seas, it means I have I have high fire and heat resistance, but this fire broke through all my fire resistant barriers, my skin started burning, my screaming amplified in volume, I could feel my skin shedding away leaving the smell of burning flesh.

   Then suddenly nothing, I couldn't see anything, hear anything, it was like I was in a vacuum, everything was blackness.

  Who am I?

   I didn't know my own name

   Where am I?

   I didn't know where the hell I was

     My mind was a blank slate, empty as the day I was born, I didn't know my mother, my date of birth. Then I heard a voice that I was familiar for a reason.

   "Perseus Jackson, what the Hades are you doing, fight their attacks, show them their father was right in choosing you as his successor"

   Perseus Jackson, why do I feel like I've heard that name lots of times.

    Perseus Jackson?

    Perseus Jackson?

      "You idiot that's your name", said the voice again, but this time with another voice in the mix, I had an image of a girl of 18 with tan skin, auburn hair and silver eyes and another of a girl with pale skin, dark hair and ice blue eyes as cold and unforgiving as ice. I felt like I've seen the first girl before, but second never, then why is her image in my head? They were both very beautiful. I somehow knew their names Artemis and Khione.

     Then suddenly as if my mind was being torn open, I could feel the rush of my memories returning, I couldn't help it I screamed. Then it stopped.

   I was Perseus 'Percy' Jackson, the former hero of Olympus, Bane of monsters, Bane of Kronos and bane of Giants. I am the Primordial of Water, The Rivers, The Heart and Ice.

    I'm pretty sure I said it out loud.


     3rd POV:

     The five underworld rivers all congratulated themselves on a job well done. They thought when Acheron's beam of water hit him, they thought he would succumb, they even saw him draw his sword about to stab himself but for some reason he stopped and smiled. They saw his betrayal.

       One by one, they shot him with beams of their own, anytime he overcame each one. Then it reached Lethe's turn. They saw his eyes completely glazed over, they knew he had lost his memories. Then he screamed, a scream of deep pain, then he started breathing heavily, then he growled out

   "I am Perseus 'Percy' Jackson, the former of Olympus, Bane of monsters, Bane of Kronos, Bane of Giants. I am the Primordial of Water, The Rivers, The Heart and Ice".


    They looked at each other, all they could think was,

    "Not another boss", they all whined in their minds.

     I have another Percy Jackson fanfic this one doesn't follow the pjo and hoo storyline at all. I'm only using Percy because I want to use the pjo and hoo characters. It's about Percy being the son of a Greek God, a Roman God, a Mayan God, an Incan God, a Norse God, an Aztec God, an Egyptian God, an Archangel and the creator of the universe.

   Comment if you want the story and give your ideas of which Gods you want to be his father and their domains also.

       Thank You

        ^_^ ^_^ ^_^



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