You Mean I Have To Be Emotionless?

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But I couldn't help smiling, I could feel some tinglings of camaraderie.

I couldn't help it, my eyes reddened on their own.

I just might have a place and people I could call home.

"You asked us why we were scared of you?"


This Ouranos guy! 

Couldn't he see I was getting emotional here?

Why did he have to bring up the past?

The dark past???


"I know now, I'm just too strong!", standing on my throne with my hands on my waist in a classic Superman pose, I said sadly.

I get the feeling, you guys think I'm not sad, I'm sad!! Is it your sadness? If I say I'm sad, then I'm sad!

They all rolled their eyes at me, I became self-conscious and sat down on my throne.

"Well, that's one way to answer a question in a nutshell, but that's just part of the reason, after Chaos, you're the strongest of us all", said Ouranos as he stood up and walk to the middle of the throne room as he summoned a chalkboard and made it gigantic.

He wrote and illustrated some things and used his hands to demonstrate.

"Two, you have a hold over most of our domains except a select few"

"Not to mention the scene from before, as an overpowered and untrained Primordial, you're basically a multiversal nuclear? bomb I don't know the correct word as I'm not a scientist but I'm sure you get my point", he pointed at a picture of me losing control and a planet exploding into invisible pieces.

Looking at that scene, I couldn't help shivering but the weeb side of me, couldn't help but feel like I was a Saiyan.

"And only Chaos can stop you or all the major Primordials can stop you, the way you are now, you're a hazard to the universe", said Ouranos in an ominous tone.

I raised up my hand, he nodded his head at me, seems like he was really getting into this school teacher thing.

"So, is this the part where I get killed for being too strong?", I asked, getting into a martial arts pose.

They all giggled.

Chaos looked at me with a weird look in his eyes. I could swear I saw pity in there. 

Pity? Me!

I refuse to be pitied!

And I will not be pitied!

"You don't have to try so hard to make us laugh, you know? We love you and already see you as a friend. Don't try so hard", said Chaos with a solemn look. 

I looked around at the Primordials and found them smiling and nodding their heads at me.

Sniff Sniff

Damn you, Chaos!


First, you make me mad,

Now you make me cry?

Sniff Sniff

You really are my Bane

I couldn't help smiling.

To think after all I went through, I would still find a place to call home?

Who would believe that?

I looked at them through my teary eyes, smiling back at them, I stood up and shouted, 

"Group hug!!!"


"But for your information Chaos, that's just me, I'm always goofy", I said, cleaning my tears.

Oh, Grim! I must look so unsightly right now, sigh.

He just smiled at me.

I take it back maybe mosquitoes are not so bad after all.

Back to important matters.

"So how I do avoid going full Saiyan?", I asked.

"Train. Learn how to use your abilities or you become…", said Ananke.

"Become what?", I asked, seeing that she stopped halfway.

What kind of person doesn't complete his/her sentence?

"Emotionless!", said Erebus in a solemn tone.

"What's bad being emotionless?"

"Display of emotions make you lose control of your abilities. You smile, light becomes brighter. You become angry, hurricanes and tornadoes and tsunami emerge. You laugh, you cause an earthquake or another natural disaster. All in all, being emotionless is the only way".

Probably because he saw that I had another question, Erebus continued, 

"You want to ask that you've been smiling since nothing happened right? That's because Chaos suppressed your powers since that incident".

I imagined myself smiling, and then something bad happens, damn, I've not been blackened fully that lives become nothing to me yet and hopefully I never will… OK, the mood got dark real quick.

Not to mention, Mom and Paul, I miss them. I'll go see them when I get back to Earth. Who knows I might actually have a little sister or brother. I can't meet mum being emotionless so I have to gain control of my powers quick.

I took a deep breath and as if I was going into the mouth of a dragon, I said

"I'll train".

"Good!!!!!!!!!!!!", they said.

What's with the mass reply?

"I have a question", I said.

Gaea nodded at me.

"Since when Light and Darkness become a part of the elements. Light, I understand since I also have the Energy domain, but darkness? I'm confused", I asked.

The Primordials all collectively sighed.

"Damn Humans!", said Tartarus gruffly. The other Primordials nodded at his words.

What did the humans do?

Because whatever they did it sure made them mad.

Two chapters in one day? That's a first for me

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