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  Percy's POV.

  6 months later:

    The last months have been brutal, Megalon wasn't kidding when he said it was going to be difficult. I learned how to walk on the bottom of the ocean without the water pressure crushing me to a pulp. I later discovered that I had some minor control over the earth basically summoning earthquakes stronger than those of Poseidon.

     As I have next to no training in the art of using the trident, Megalon recruited the help of a merman to train me in the art, I didn't use my new trident as Megalon told me the trident had very destructive qualities so I'm using a basic grade trident. Let's just say I became a genesis at using the trident in one week. I defeated twelve merman let's just say I managed to finally impress Megalon. Let talk about the time I created an island.

     I was remembering what happened on the day of my supposed death, the scathing words that were dealt me, all the hate all the anger, I just started shaking, I could feel my control over my powers slipping, then I remembered that there were people in the hotel, so I went to the bottom of ocean and let all the pent-up power out, I could feel the land under the sea quaking, the water boiling at insane temperatures, I could feel the life forces of subjects the fish and sea monsters living in the ocean slowly fading, I quickly stopped, I looked around me with wide eyes, a large part of the ocean floor had floated to the surface creating an island already stable, I quickly used the water to heal the fishes and sea monsters, then I replaced the removed piece of land.

    I found out I could practically become water. I was walking aimlessly around Alaska I didn't know hellhounds were following me. Then I heard a growl at my back then I turned around and I saw around a dozen hellhounds at my I searched my pockets for Riptide then I remembered that I wasn't wearing a trouser with pockets I just stood there waiting for death  at least I was immortal I would reform later I didn't even think of using my powers, then suddenly one pounced on me, suddenly I felt something passing through me I look down at my self I was water I thought about making my solid then I was back to my normal self it seems it only works when I'm in danger so I changed back to my watery form, I could feel the weird change come over me, it was like my body was turning into jelly, I then thought of having swords water became solid suddenly forming to two swords for me. I grinned, "this just got interesting". I shouted a battle cry and charged the hellhounds my watery form slithering on the snowy floor before becoming solid, I decapitated maybe a really brave or really stupid hellhound, I then vaulted over another slashing at its head running on its back before it turned into dust, since my betrayal I found that I became more sadistic and blood lustful as I was killing them I was grinning a really crazy grin I'm sure scared them. In the next 2 minutes all that remained of them was golden dust.

     I also found that I could vapour travel it practically entails becoming one with the air distorting your body turning it into molecules of water, so this means I have some major control over the air since the air is majorly made of water molecules. The first time I tried I did it in water when I reformed I found that I had an arm and a leg  the water healed them since I was immortal.

     Since then, I had long since perfected it I could vapour travel into anywhere even if there's a magical barrier around it as anywhere had water in the air.

   I also found I could create anything with water all I had to do was imagine it.

    After six months of training as the primordial of water and perfecting my powers I felt that I was ready to unlock my domain over the Underworld Rivers. I waited till tomorrow morning.

    I then vapour travelled to the Underworld, the Fields of Asphodel specifically, I bent my aura to that of a recently deceased human as I didn't want Hades to discover a super powerful being walking around his domain.

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