Chapter 22 - How to be a Primordial Crash Course

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Clang! Clang! Or what sounds do weapons made of the elements make?

Slash! Swoosh! Splash!

A multitude of light swords were sent over to me with extreme speeds by Aether, I tried to gain control over the light but it was like a proud beauty ignoring me, so I created a sword made of fire and started parrying the multitudes of swords though my speed fell short of the swords, I was a Primordial now and every increase in life hierarchy came with an increase in the physique. 

So at least I could see the trajectory of the swords and Apollo's blessing, you remember it? Seeing twenty seconds into the future? Guess who got an improvement, Me! 

The primordials said meager blessings like that are blemishes to the body of a Primordial so they improved the ones that still existed since most of the other blessings I could do since they were under my domains. Now I could see three seconds into the future if I want to before the visions came in random bursts and I can even push it further and can even change the future.

So activating it, I could see where the weapons would land and prevent them from hitting.

A sword pierced towards my head, though it was just training I felt the danger, so I bent backward, and to prevent a loss of balance, an earth spike protruded from the bottom of my feet and lodged itself into the ground below me so I bent backward narrowly missing the sword.

I used water to propel myself into the air and since I was previously bent curved, I was off balance so I used the air to right myself and started flying using my powers over to where Aether was. He kind of reminded me of a mage, always fighting from afar and what do we all know about mages?

I got you now! I said, my sword slashing towards him, then he chuckled.

He disappeared from his spot suddenly.

Teleportation? But it wasn't teleportation since I could teleport too.

"Have you forgotten, Perce? Have you forgotten what I am the Primordial of?", asked Aether, his voice coming from all directions.

Light! Light is known as the representation of speed, though the wind is fast, it doesn't come close to the speed of light. 

There! I slashed my sword at his figure, he was behind me with a light dagger in his hands, Uh?! No resistance?

I looked back just in time to see it was a mirage I slashed at. 

In my folly, I flew into the air thinking he couldn't fly. 'Why didn't I do this before?', I facepalmed.

Then, I saw him in the air too, looking at me with a 'what did you expect?' look on his face. He was laughing profusely and tapping his knees with tears in his eyes.

"I wish you could see the look on your face", he said wiping his tears. 

"We're Primordials, Perce. It comes with the physiology. We can all fly and even if we can't, I can also control air, imagine Perce, the mixture of air and light. Imagine what they could do together Perce!!!".

OK…..? I did not expect the mad scientist's enthusiasm.

He disappeared again and reappeared as a multitude of Aethers.

Aether Bro, that was so damned uncalled for. This was overkill for poor weetle me.

He gestured them to attack, I used my precognitive powers again and only saw a scene of Aether stabbing me and me getting injured before my eyes burst.

My eyes burst? Then I remembered Ananke telling me looking into my future could only be done three times as I was really strong now.

So it was not a mirage? Does that mean if that former one managed to successfully stab me, I would be injured? 

My eyes had already regenerated. 

How do novels and anime do it? Thinking during battle, I do it and I'm almost stabbed!

I caught the clone of Aether and slashed it, it turned into mist, I looked over at Aether for any signs of discomfort but he was still smiling at me.

"So it was not a clone?", I muttered 

"No, it's not, we can animate things temporarily, even Gods can do it, man".

No wonder it could injure me. 

I started swinging my swords again, the air creations were kinda easy to kill but the light ones were difficult to kill but I successfully killed them all.

I pointed my sword at Aether. He still laughed at me.

This dude still wasn't taking me seriously? 

Probably because my look of dissatisfaction was obvious, he explained to me, 

"You know why we are Primordials? We are embodiments of our various domains. Light is my domain, I embody light. Haven't you read or heard that "speed is power" quote?", he said.

Isn't that always said by the fast character until he's beaten by someone slower than him?

"Do you get what I'm trying to say?", he asked.

"That you're faster than me?", I replied.

He frowned and shook his head, "I mean that until you embody your concept you can't defeat me".

"Who said I can't do that?"

He looked shocked, "then why aren't you doing it?"

I didn't think of that but he must not know this.

"I wanted to defeat you without it but I've realized it was futile so here I come!"

I turned into my watery form that I discovered I could do from my battle with the hellhounds.

He laughed again, "this is not embodiment, it's mimicry but it's a step forward. To embody is to personify or be incarnate of something, to mimic is to imitate. Without embodying your concept, you're nothing more than a God in a Primordial's body. As a Primordial, you're the first, first fire, first water, etc. You're the waters, the water is you. I embody light, all sorts of light. That's what being a Primordial is all about. Controlling your domain comes as easy as controlling yourself".

"Doesn't that mean, the Gods control us?", I asked confused.

He had a look of anger on his face, "yeah, they control us but fortunately, we're strong enough to refuse them but we just don't want to".

"Primordials are sentient aspects of the universe and we have absolute and total control over it. We can never truly be killed as long as our aspects exist, we're immortal. Because we don't disturb them, it's been believed we're asleep but we're not as you can see. So back to the matter on ground, all Primordials are naturally born, so we can already embody our concepts, you probably can't do it because you were granted the powers".

That kinda makes sense, I thought nodding my head. 

"So how can I be a true Primordial?", I asked him.

"Successfully embody your concept! That's what being a Primordial is about Perce. A hint, Perce, the embodiment is like a God's Divine Form. So look deep into yourself and unlock your true prowess!", he said walking away.

How was the little fight scene?

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