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The next three days, peeps, were living hell for me. How could people who I trusted with my life and they with theirs suddenly change so much? I didn't even do shit.

Ever since Jake came to the camp, things started going missing with notes in place of the missing things, saying I took it, like seriously which thief was stupid? Certainly not me, Oh shit now I sound like the thief.

The other campers now hate me and sometimes they beat me. Me? I know some of you can't believe it, but I'm not a badass, I've hardly ever fought seriously with good demigods, I wished they would come back to their senses and I didn't think a beating would work for that.

There was this one time, a plant personally groomed by Demeter as a gift to her kids in the Demeter Cabin went missing and once again, they thought I was the one who took it, the next few days, I was terrorized by plants. 

Most of my acquaintances, since I wouldn't call them friends started gravitating towards Jake and anywhere I go, instead of the "hey Perce", " Xup Percy?", I was greeted with stones and glares.

Of course, I knew everything was Jake's fault but who was going to believe me? The seven aside from Annabeth were on missions or Camp Jupiter, Thalia with the hunt, Nico in the Underworld, Chiron and Clarisse and Annabeth were lukewarm, meaning they believed me but didn't do shit to help me and the others were all his minions. It was like he casted a spell on them.

One night, I was in the strawberry field reflecting on the past days when I suddenly heard the crackling of dry grass, I immediately stood up. I saw Jake and a couple of Ares kids that had it in for me since the time I defeated their father, I tried to run away but they caught me.

The two Ares kids, I think their names were Brick and Dick? and hit him on the tree pinning my arms and legs to the tree, then Jake started strolling over to me as if he was the owner of the world,

"When will you realize that there was nothing here for you any longer, I've made all your friends hate you and you still fight, it's like you enjoy suffering? Or do you think your determination would move them? Hahaha, look at this Per...cie", he drawled, showing me the eyes of the Ares kids, and lo and behold, around their irises were ring-like black circles.

"Lift his shirt up!", he commanded them. He took out his celestial bronze dagger, cleaning invisible dirt away from my chest, back, and arms like a sculptor all with a manic smile on his face. 

Then he started carving on my body the word, "MURDERER" in block letters on my back, chest and arms, laughing statistically. Though I didn't cry, my face must have shown some sign of them 'cause he continued doing it.

When he was done, they walked away leaving me trembling from the pain and the ground drenched with my blood.

I laid there in pain, I know some campers heard me in pain but just didn't want to help, I wanted just one person, One Person! To show me that at least someone still cared, that was when I saw her, you know who right? My Wise Girl.

She walked over, though I read her body language: she was reluctant; but who cared about that, that she came, meant she loved me right?

If our love could trump the trials of Tartarus, what was a common spell? 

What could it do against our love? 

Though recently I felt like the love she had for me was waning so I had a thought, why not tie her love down by using marriage or an engagement?

So after she accompanied me to my cabin and left hurriedly, like she didn't want to be seen with me, I snuck out of camp in the dead of the night to visit Athena…


Percy's thought:

I admit I really fucked up there, I could have gone full Saiyan on his ass right there, even now the thought still seemed downright exciting…

But I still don't know why I didn't do it.

Marriage? Ha!

How many months was I gone for?!

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