unKnown: Prologue

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Rei Pov: HE was moving, and it was moving fast- whatever or whoever that man in the black hood was, they were out for blood and would stop at nothing to end him, he knew that if he didn't get out of this building ASAP he would never see the light of day again. Rei had known that he was being chased by the authorities for quite some time now, but he never imagined their sheer power to be on this level. "GIVE UP" a powerful voice boomed across the docks. Rei tried making a break for one of the exits out of a shipping container he was in attempting to treat his wounds from his disastrous battle earlier against the hooded man.  This was supposed to be an easy mission, rescue a few cripple hostages being held up by some mid-tiers in a warehouse but it turned out to be a setup. Rei was ambushed by a man with a powerful ability to create clones of himself. he was able to defeat him, or rather hundreds of them by the skin of his teeth. Out of breath and on the verge of passing out he sat down hoping to rest some.

That was before he was hit with a forklift. A man in a black hood and grey jacket attacked him. With a glowing red eye and speed and strength of the likes, he had never seen Rei knew this would be a fight he could not win. However, he owed it to his sister and her safety that he needed to keep fighting. He tried everything, all of his attacks bounced off of this monster, and for every one of Reis's attacks to connect, ten of his would without him even breathing hard.

He didn't seem to have a clear ability or at least one that he could tell. This man just seemed to be very strong and very fast. In a last act of desperation, Rei attempted to bring down the ceiling on him. Only to have him walk out of the rubble as if nothing had happened. He was now certain he would die if he stayed here a minute longer, for as long as he could remember he had never felt this powerless. He hadn't always been the strongest, but he was far from not being able to even put up a fight. However, he felt like a cripple when faced with this unstoppable force. And so, he tried running out of the Warehouse and into the docks only to find the hooded man waiting for him. In a final act of defiance, he attempted to block the man's vision with a lightning ball thrown on the ground. He tried running with whatever minuscule strength remained and was able to find shelter in a shipping container. 

After a few minutes of rest and reflection, he realized that the only way to beat this man would be to attack him with a group of high tiers and preferably a few god tiers. Didn't Wellston have a girl who was a god tier ? He tried to remember her name, Remi had mentioned her a few times. Anyways at the very least, if Arlo and him along with whatever her name was tried to take on Mr. Black hoodie he knew he'd stand a far better chance. This was interrupted when a knock happened on the shipping container door he was in. Rei didn't move. A few seconds later there was another knock, and another, and another. After what seemed like an eternity, the knocking stopped and Rei heard footsteps.

Only for his container to be thrown causing him to tumble around in what would become his coffin. Rei knew he had multiple broken ribs, and at least a sprained ankle and he couldn't move his arm. Unable to run and with no way out  Rei closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

The door opened. 

"Congrats X-Static" the hooded man spoke in a calm yet firm voice. He continued on

"You have lasted the longest of any of the hero's I have hunted" 

"There is no prize"

"To be honest I see no purpose in your actions, some people don't deserve help. Cripples and low tiers exist for a reason, we evolved to be strong and they didn't" 

"It's just basic biology, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" 

"It's just natural that the strong prey on the weak"

Coughing up blood trying to stand one last time, Rei spoke what would become some of his final words:

"The strong exist to protect the weak, what will you do when one day someone stronger then you make you feel powerless" 

Rei went on and spoke what would become his final words

"You may have defeated me for now, but know this: even in death the ideals I stand for will live on, they'll become even stronger dare I say. And even if I leave this world, unOrdinary will live on."

The hooded man then slammed his hand through Rei's chest. 

"I have heard it's a book worth dying for"

Rei's final thoughts were of his sister and her smile. He hoped that she'd be proud of the way how he fought today

The hooded man then took off his hood, revealing a head of white hair and shining amber eyes. 

Pulling out his cellphone he called Keon:



"The deed is done, X-Static is no more"

Keon was silent for a few seconds

"One hour......damn this man must have put up a solid fight to have stalled you for an hour"

The man with white hair responded

"He was decent..... I'll give him that, now if you'll excuse me, I have a new assignment starting Monday and I need some rest"


He hung up

he then looked at the supplies list for Wellston high school he had saved on his phone. Because come Monday, he would be starting as a student there and he had no intention of making a bad impression. But for now, he had to call the police and report this death, because if this body was found by a worker, there could possibly be some difficulties. 

End Prolouge: 

Authors Note: This is the start of the series, this needed to be short but thanks for reading if you've made it this far. Can't wait for more.

I'm trying for 3x a week updates but no promises. 


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