unKnown chapter 3: Confession

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Arlo POV: Rooftop in downtown Wellston.

In his 17 and a half years on this planet, Arlo had been beaten and had given hundreds of beatdowns. But never once had he seen such a murder take place. It was a unique sensation.

 Realizing that as strong as he may be, he isn't immortal.

Learning of one's own mortality is always a harrowing experience that one never forgets. 

 Zeke was a piece of shit, but that didn't mean he deserved to die. He couldn't tell anyone about this. Not yet at least. 

For now, he needed to get out of here and get to his house. He was still a long way from home and there was an honest-to-god killer in the alley. 

Arlos fight or flight activated and he jumped off the building in the other direction away from Mark and was able to land on a fire escape he took to safety.

He needed to train. Arlo chuckled to himself, last time he consistently trained was when he tried to beat Rei and it wasn't enough. None of that would matter if he was the next target of this white-haired psychopath. Arlo had enough for a day. He needed some rest. As he got ready for bed, his thoughts were now focused on the heirachy and how Mark could possibly upset the balance he had worked so hard to create. He'd need to talk to Sera about this but he wouldn't tell her the full story. His last thoughts he had before he dozed off were of a smiling girl with blue hair. He wanted to hold her close and keep her safe. 

The next day:

Vaughn POV: He thought he was going to be sick. This was the first time in ages that a Wellston student had died. The last time this had happened was in the 60s and that happened from a cripple student who tried to give themself an ability (unsuccessfully). This was deeply disturbing. Zeke wasn't exactly the most popular student but Vaugn doubted that many wanted to kill him. 

Vaughn asked several staff members their opinions and upon a unanimous vote, they agreed to move all students into the dorms together. As well as starting a mandatory curfew for students on weekdays. 

He began composing an email:

Dear Wellston students, yesterday at 10:32pm one of your classmates was found dead in downtown Wellston. For your own safety, we have decided to move all students into the dorms for the time being. as well as instating a mandatory curfew on weekdays Any students living off-campus will be compensated for their property and will be expected to move into the dorms by the start of next week. Room parings will be posted soon. During this time of mourning, we will reduce tests and quizzes for the week and students can take time to process this tragedy. Several mental health professionals will be on campus to help with any issues that may arise. We urge you to stay safe during this time.

Wellston strong



Sera POV:

Sera was chilling on the roof with John checking her school email when she coughed on her drink out of pure shock. "JOHN, HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL?"

John looked at her confused. "We have a school email? That explains a lot"

Sera looked at him and just sighed, "please read this" she handed him her phone with the email on the screen. After reading the email John just sat in silence he tried making a joke to break the quiet..... "Seems like delaying tests was the best thing that Zeke ever did" Sera laughed for a second and then threw her arms around him and began to cry. If an elite tier like Zeke could be murdered a cripple like John could easily die. "I can't lose you John" Sera continued on. You changed my outlook on life and I don't know if I could go on without you. 

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