unKnown Chapter 14: Rebirth

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Arlo POV: Wellston dorms, 6:52 AM the day after the fire

Arlo woke up to rapid knocking on his door. He wondered who it could have been, no one was really awake at this time and few people would dare to trifle with a god-tier, especially at this time of the day when everyone's temper ran short. 

"Who is it" the Blonde groaned from his bed as he woke up and put a shirt on. 

"It's me, Cecile. I have something important to tell you" 

Arlo groaned and cursed to himself "What the hell does that b!tch want. She better have a good reason if she woke me up at 7 am on a weekend" 

"What is it" the tired teen groaned 

The voice outside of his door grew louder "DAMNIT ARLO JUST LET ME IN I HAVE IMPORTANT BUSNIESS"

"Fine" Arlo muttered

He unlocked his door and pushed it open

The door squeaked a little and Cecile stepped in

The two ex-Royals made eye contact before Cecile finally spoke

"I figured you'd want to know this." Cecile took a deep breath

"I know who caused the fire. Yesterday I was out in the halls of the dorms and I saw Mark walking in the halls towards Evie's dorm"

Arlo nodded. This certainly was worthwhile information

Arlo spoke in a skeptical tone "Are you sure that this was really him? Because not even 10 hours earlier he was at death's doorstep thanks to a drugged-up Blyke and Isen."

Cecile looked up at Arlo, "I saw what I saw. Believe me or not, but you're like the only person who I know that would actually at least listen to me."  

Arlo smiled

"So what's the move here" asked the Blonde

Cecile paused for a second before speaking "Well truth be told, we saw Vaughn haul Mark off and not even a day later he's back and kicking and setting fires. I think we can't trust him in the slightest and we need to tell the authorities our suspicions."

Arlo nodded his head in firm agreement

"My aunt works for the authorities, I'll shoot her a text. Let's meet up with her later this weekend if she's free and we can find a solution to this issue." 

Cecile started to walk out of the room "If that's it that'll be all?"

Arlo smiled and began to close the door "Hey Cecile, thanks for trusting me. You're a good friend"

Cecile blushed and walked quickly out of his sight

Arlo smirked and went to look for his phone, searching for his aunts contact and sending her a text

Arlo: Hey aunt Val, ik it's been a while but idk if you've heard of the Wellston fire but we have a suspect

Val: Oh no! Are you ok? 

Arlo: Yeah I'm fine but we need to catch the culprit

Arlo: Want to meet up later this weekend and we can discuss the situation?

Val: That sounds amazing! I'll text you the address of a cafe that I like

Val: Mind if I bring a co-worker? I'm sure they will be of use to you. 

Arlo: Same here. I have a witness 

Val: Awesome! See you then! 

Arlo turned off his phone and stared at the Ceiling

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