unKnown Chapter 19: The Enforcers part 1

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Vaughn POV: He knew this day was coming. Karma had informed him on the intel Mark had gathered, he knew an enforcer was coming and soon. He figured his only way out was to lay in wait.

He canceled classes for the week. He couldn't risk innocent students getting hurt or even killed in the crossfire of the battle between Omni-Tiers. 

He just hoped the right enforcer to fight him would show up

Until then, he'd lay in wait. 

The moment he saw an enforcer, he'd take the last amp he kept hidden in his desk. Using said amplifier, he'd become of a high enough tier to hopefully take down the enforcer.

*Two hours timeskip*

Vaughn wasn't losing patience. If anything, he was enjoying this. Time to meditate alone, before death would be at his front door.

*Five more hours*

Before long, the sun began to set

And a tall figure triggered a silent alarm Keene had set up for Vaughn the day before

He took his amp, and walked out in the courtyard to greet his foe. 

Upon seeing the enforcer, Vaughn was surprised to say the least

It was one of his college professors, Zander

A young genius who went to work with the authorities- Vaughn always assumed for some research. But not this!

"Hello old friend" stated Zander professionally

Vaughn nodded

"You know why I am here, do you?"

Vaughn nodded again.

"Very well then." Zander said in a cordial tone

Both activated their abilities at the exact same time

Vaughn launched a wave of telekenesis at Zander sending him back.

He took the blow and coughed up some blood

Vaughn gave him no time to recover, instantly sending a wave of gravity into him.

Ten times gravity crushing him

Zander's defense was his weak point so he'd have to go down at some point

Vaughn didn't see his next attack coming, he launched some sort of dark disc at him and he avoided it by the skin of his teeth. If that had been a centimeter closer, he'd be a goner

The disc flew away

Zander grit his teeth and dodged Vaughn's next wave of gravity

He's moving fast and I cracked his defenses, if I can just avoid his attacks a bit longer I can get in a strong blow and end this stupid fight Vaughn thought to himself

He brought down another powerful wave straight on Zander, 

Zander coughed out some blood

That was without a doubt a very solid hit. Vaughn smiled to himself

He sent another wave at Zander

This time, it connected. Back to back attacks

Zander collapsed and looked to be down

He raised his fists and launched two dark discs. These seemed more dangerous, they were flying faster and there were two of them! Not just one! But two! Vaughn raised Gravity on Zander in hopes of crushing him, however he held on. As Vaughn tightened his intensity, the force of gravity in the whole area increased

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