unKnown Chapter 16: Standoff

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Vaughn POV: 

He was walking through his courtyard early in the morning, about an hour before school started when he heard his phone go off. It was Keene. 

Sir please come to the entrance someone wants to see you

omw! responded Vaughn before walking towards the entrance

He was shocked when he arrived, it was his former queen and Wellston alumni. Kassandra was there and she seemed pissed.

"Excuse me Mr. Vaughn, do me a favor and let's take a short walk in the courtyard."

Vaughn agreed and the two began to walk. 

"So I hear you work for the authorities now" stated Vaughn calmly

"Yes, that is the case. The benefits are amazing" Kassandra made an awkward joke. Clearly her sense of humor hadn't improved

Vaughn smiled at her and asked honestly "Why are you here." he asked in a menacing tone

Kassandra glowed her eyes and responded "I know your secrets. I know who you work for. If you value your own life surrender and accept your fate"

No one spoke for a moment

Kassandra sighed "Looks like I gotta work you old man"

Vaughn just sighed "So be it"

Vaughn sent an incredibly powerful telekinetic blast at Kassandra and she went flying into the wall

Kassandra coughed up some blood "My turn" she said menacingly

Sending a blast of wind and lightning together at Vaughn she hoped it would end him

Vaughn sent a blast of his own which dispersed her attack

"Please try harder," Vaughn said

Kassandra responded by flinging flames and lightning balls at Vaughn hoping they'd connect.

Vaughn stood still and used his telekinesis to push them away

Kassandra roared in anger and charged Vaughn using a sword made of ice

Vaughn manipulated gravity and she fell to her knees.

Vaughn stepped on her head "Give up and accept your fate" Vaughn practically growled at her

Kassandra glowed her eyes "Burn in hell old man" she launched an attack with her ice sword clipping his leg causing him to send a wave of telekinesis straight at her

She fell in a hole in the ground

Classic Vaughn move

She decided to use her most powerful attack

She always wondered why people never used them early on in the fight

She activated her THUNDERGUN and launched a heavy blast of wind and lightning straight at his face

He launched a counter attack with heavy telekenesis which destroyed her attack

Kassandra screamed in frustration and tried to attack him again.

Vaughn sighed and sent her flying once more

Kassandra decided to play dirty, she saw Keene in the corner of her eye and launched a flame blast straight at him knocking him into the wall. 

Keene coughed up blood and fell down unconcous

Vaughn screamed in unrecognizable anger

"YOU FUCKED UP!" Vaughn lost his cool demeanor and activated a vicious attack

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