unKnown Chapter 13: New Start

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John POV: Vaughn's secret room. 4:45PM.


John was outraged at this revelation- "WHY THE F*CK AM I GOING BACK TO THAT HELL"

Vaughn just sighed

Look John, the authorities are after Mark and they know you are his brother. You are in DANGER

they won't look in New Bostin however, they think you've been expelled so why bother. 

However, you were expelled from NBHS, not New Bostin Eastview. 

"Right......" John said sadly

Seraphina squeezed his hand.

Vaughn stroked his beard. "It's clear that everyone in this room wants the same thing. However, to not attract notice of all the high ranking students going missing I will have to make an excuse and get the authorities tail off of Wellston High." 

Remi chimed in "And what exactly could get the authorities to look away from us and for something else?"

Vaughn laughed

"It's simple. We BURN Wellston to the ground. Have them chase a fake lead for months while you kids train in New Bostin"

Mark finally spoke from his chair, still tied up "How exactly would we burn Wellston down?" 

Vaughn laughed "That's where you come in!"

Doc interrupted the laughing headmaster "WHAT THE HELL VAUGHN, I WORK HERE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD"

Vaughn just shook his head, "Darren I know you hate this job. And I also know you could do far better work for Spectere, I should know. I work for them"

Seraphina's, Doc's, and Mark's jaw all dropped.

The teal haired headmaster explained himself awkwardly "Oh please, where do you think I get all of this money to fund Wellston. It's how we find future employees and agents. And in a way, it's our biggest asset against the authorities"

John asked softly after calming down "So what exactly is the plan here. All I understand is something something fire something something New Bostin"

Vaughn explained his plan

"It's simple. We split into three teams, one of which stays at Wellston as it is rebuilt. Arlo and Elaine and every other student that hasn't been involved in this mess will stay here. I will supervise here."

Everyone stood silent and he continued on his plan

"One team will be at New Bostin Eastview, your contact will be a Physics Teacher named Mr. Harper at the school. He's a Spectere agent and one of our smartest around. This team will consist of John, Seraphina, and Isen"

"And the final team will be at New Bostin proper, your contact will be the head of the warehouse that you'll train by. Her contact name is simply Karma. I don't know her personally but from what I have heard, you'll be in safe hands. She is a god tier who hates the authorities more then anyone here dare I say. This team will consist of Remi and Blyke as well as Evie and Mark."

Mark looked mad "Why are you bringing my girlfriend on this! She should stay at Wellston where it's safe" 

Vaughn smiled at him. "That's exactly why she's going with you. In case you turn on us again, I'll have Karma liquidate her."

Mark looked down at the ground looking pissed and sad at the same time

"Any questions?" asked Vaughn

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