unKnown chapter 4:

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Mark POV: Capital district

It was a Saturday night. Everyone's favorite night of the week- and yet it was Mark's least favorite.  Perched on a rooftop, away from the hustle and bustle of the city below him Mark waited for his most difficult assignment yet. He was waiting on the superhero known as Venom. Supposedly the strongest of all of them and easily the most mysterious of the group. Known for finishing his fights quickly and efficiently and with a deadly ability related to poison darts, Mark actually was encouraged to use his true ability from his supervisors. 

He waited almost five hours for the hero to show his face and was just considering opening his phone to text Keon about his failure when he heard a soft whistle behind him.

Out of nowhere, a dart scraped his face drawing blood. The first time Mark had EVER had blood of his own spilled in a fight. He quickly injected himself with an experimental healing drug that EMBER had provided him to hopefully get rid of the poison he knew he had in his system. He ducked under an electrical box waiting for Venom to activate his ability. 

Suddenly he heard a bone-chilling voice "I hear you're the one killing my friends and teammates"

Teammates? What the hell does he mean by that? Mark thought to himself

A barrage of darts landed inches from him. Mark began to panic, he hadn't even seen this guy and if he took another direct hit from one of those darts he'd likely die. 

Mark thought for a minute on what ability he should activate and decided on a defensive option. Triggering a thick barrier that glowed a burning red matching his eye. He couldn't see out of it but at least he'd be safe for the time being. He felt a wave of almost embarrasment wash over him. Why was he being such a coward? The old Mark would have used a brutal ability to end this bastard. Mark Closed his eyes

Just then a huge storm of poison darts slammed into the barrier he had created. It cracked slightly. He knew Venom would have taken damage but certainly not enough to kill him.

Mark was finally able to get a read on this guy, and he copied his ability. carefully opening a small hole in his barrier he threw a few darts in the direction of the powerful aura. They didn't hit of course but they scared him away. 

Mark could sense a powerful aura charging an attack. This guy must have some sort of invisibility passive or help from someone because all he could get off of him was an aura. 

Just then the aura deactivated and Mark saw a very tall man jump a few feet away from him, with hundreds and hundreds of darts surrounding him. 

Adios Motherf*cker screamed the superhero 

Unleashing his storm of darts Mark's barrier proved fruitless and he knew that this was the end.

Mark opened his eyes

Using a handy power he picked up in New Bostin he was able to sense the (most likely) future and use it to his advantage. Selecting a strength and flight abilities he exposed himself waiting for the hero to appear and suer as can be when Venom jumped at his target, Mark met him in mid air and punched him into the roof he was just on. 

By the time he reached the ground, he knew Venom was dead. There was no possible way he could have survived the fall. He then followed his usual protocol of reporting the body and leaving the EMBER marking. He called Keon afterwards, after explaining the details the man sounded pleased "That was quite an impressive move looking to the future. According to our sources Venom was a 7.4, just weaker then your brother. Speaking of him, how is he? He was one of my favorite students"

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