Touch Prompts List

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If you guys want to request something and can't think of anything just comment a number from the prompts list, it can be more than one. There will be many different prompts lists this one is about human touch. 

Being able to feel someone. 

Prompts : 

1 : Touching Foreheads 

2: Running fingers through hair 

3: hiding face in neck 

4: caressing the others hand 

5: feeling their pulse 

6: holding hands 

7: patting the others head 

8: shielding the other one with their body

9: listening to the others heart beat

10: spooning at night ( big spoon or little spoon) 

11: laying their hand on the others neck 

12: pushing a strand of hair behind their ear 

13: nudging the other 

14: putting an arm around the others waist 

15: hugging each other 

16:massaging them 

17: holding the others chin up 

18: pinching the other cheeks 

19: high fiving 

20 : bandaging or stitching an injury 

21 :kissing the others forehead 

22: falling asleep on the others shoulder 

23: carrying the other one in their arms 

24: whispering in their ear, lips touching their skin 

25: stroking the others arm soothingly 

26: kissing the top of their head 

27: pulling the other one towards them 

28: feeling for each other in the dark 

29: tickling the other one 

30: grabbing their arm 

31 :caressing their back 

32: kissing their scars or bruises 

33:putting their head on the others chest 

34: falling asleep on the others chest 

35:stroking their leg 

36: braiding the others hair 

37: sitting on their lap 

38: putting a hand over the others mouth to shut them up 

39: kissing them to shut them up 

40:dancing with each other 

41: feeling their temperature 

42: linking arms 

43:giving the other a piggy back ride 

That's all the ideas i have be creative and specific in the comments if you have ideas of your own

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