Oliver Queen : "you did what?!"

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This is based on the episode where barry allen  and  oliver queen switch bodies so it might be a tad confusing HAHAHAH i'll put their actual names in brackets

Barry Allen's Pov 

I was fighting John and it turned out that something happened and everyone here thinks i'm Oliver. I was about to call Star Labs when Y/N walked in. 

"Hey y/n" i said completely forgetting that she dates Oliver and everyone thinks i'm him. Fuck. 

She walked towards me while John walked out. "I brought you breakfast" she grinned at me. 

I smiled back at her and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I thought she wanted to hug me but she kissed me. Oh fuck no, Iris, even worse Oliver. I pulled away. 

"no, no, No, I erm, will you come to star labs with me, i want to meet Oliver, I mean Barry (the actual Oliver). She nodded and we were off. 

Oliver Queen's Pov 

I was Barry, wtf had barry done this time. God that guy pisses me the fuck off. I was at Star labs right now trying to convince everyone that i'm not barry. 

Through the corner of my eye, I saw Barry walk in with y/n. "baby" i ran towards her and i was about to kiss her when she said " erm barry heh, you're dating Iris remember and i'm erm dating Oliver" I mentally slapped myself. 

We all argued about who's who and then everyone left the room leaving only me, barry and y/n. 

Y/n walked towards barry and put her hands around his neck and said " I love you, barry's not my type, i have eyes only for you" I lifted my finger up and pointed it at barry to warm him that if he fucking touches her i will break every single bone in his body. 

He looked petrified, he nodded at y/n and she left.

"We need to fix this bullshit" i hissed. Barry nodded and said "yeah, i would really appreciate kissing my own girlfriend in the morning". My head snapped up and i looked at him. His eyes widened once he realized what he said. "you.....kissed......y/n?!" i growled 

He cowered back and stuttered "Oliver, man listen- she-she-she kissed me". I grabbed him by his collar " you touch her again and you're fucking dead" i roared and dropped him to the ground. 

(not going to add a lot of details, i don't want to put too many spoliers for the show) 

Y/N's Pov

We had finally switched Oliver and Barry back to their normal selves. Oliver ran towards me and kissed me hard, in front of everyone. 

I pulled back breathlessly, "what-what was that for" i giggled. He leaned forward to my ear and growled "you're mine". I smiled at him and whispered "i know that and i wouldn't want it any other way, but why are you so tense right now"

Oliver's head snapped towards Barry who was laughing nervously. "whe-when we were erm like when w-we switched erm yo-you kissed me" he stuttered nervously. 

My eyes widened and i looked at Oliver who was still glaring at Barry. I moved his face towards mine and kissed his forehead, then we left star labs and went home. 

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