Stars : Oliver Queen

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It was a pretty hectic day today. I'm really tired. Oliver is still at his office. I'm at home. I got a message from him saying he'd be home late and not to wait up. 

I decided to make spaghetti for myself since I'd been craving it for a while. 

After i finished making the spaghetti i divided it into to two bowls incase my fiancé would be hungry when he got home. I put his bowl in the fridge so he could heat it later when he came back. 

I grabbed a blanket, my spaghetti, my laptop and a pillow. I went up to the roof and looked at the night sky. Gorgeous i thought to myself. I was always interest in astronomy when i was younger. 

I loved watching the stars and just lying underneath them. I figured that i didn't really need the laptop, i don't want to watch Netflix I'd rather watch the stars. I went back down and grabbed another blanket and ran back up the stairs to the roof. I closed the door behind me and made sure to grab my phone just incase. 

I laid down a blanket put two pillows and lied down. Gosh the sky sure is beautiful i kept thinking to myself. I sat up and looked at the buildings around me. Wow. I heard the door slam downstairs. I checked my phone to see if Ollie had messaged me to tell me he was home but he hadn't.


i thought 

I took my dagger out of my belt and hid behing the door. It suddenly opened. "y/n?" Oliver said. 

I sighed a breath of relief and came out from where i was hiding. "heyyy" i whispered. He whipped around and looked shocked to see me. I had scared him AAHAHAHAH. 

"Sorry i didn't mean to frighten you" i giggled. He rolled his eyes and hugged me. He pulled away and softly kissed me. "What are you doing out in the cold?" he asked. I pointed towards the blankets and pillows. He softly laughed and walked towards them. I followed him. 

I sat down on the blanket and grabbed my spaghetti. He stared at me practically drooling. "babe? you okay?" i asked giggling. he chuckled. "yeah just hungry. do we have more of that?" he replied. "yep in the fridge" i cheered. 

He nodded and went down. I finished my spaghetti and laid down on the pillow and closed my eyes. I wanted to go to sleep under the stars so i could mark it off my bucket list. I heard footsteps approaching. I smiled to myself. 

Oliver sat down next to me. He ate his spaghetti, while i tried to fall asleep. When he finished his food he laid down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. I turned around to face him and smiled with my eyes closed. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. We both then fell asleep together under the stars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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