Roy Harper : Monster

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Warnings : Language (swear words). Trauma. Murder talk.  Nothing else just pure fluff. 

Y/N's Pov

Roy had a little bit of the Mira Kuru left in his system which is why he killed two security guards on one of our missions. Ever since then he's been avoiding me for some reason. I've tried to talk to him a million times. How do i know he's avoiding me? He stopped coming to our house. He goes to his old dusty apartment and sleeps there. I don't even know if he sleeps because he doesn't talk to me. He also hasn't gone on any missions since that day. And that day was 2 weeks ago and i've had enough of this. 

He told me he sleeps better when i'm with him. and because of what he's experienced and because i'm not with him he's probably not sleeping at all and that's bad for him. I told Oliver we need a break so I'm going to go and talk to Roy today and see if he gives in and comes home to me. Because i can't sleep without him either. 

2 Hours Later 

I'm at Roy's apartment door. Hopefully he'll be home because i need to get this over with. I knocked on his door and thank god he doesn't have a peep hole because he finally opened the door. "Roy?" i whispered. "y/n?" his voice was raspy and he  looked so tired. His eyes were blood read and he looked unhealthy. "Oh My God Roy!" i gasped after i saw his face properly. I pushed his door wide open and saw a dusty apartment. With a sleeping bag on the floor, some water and a leftover takeout box. 

I didn't say anything i just went and sat on the sleeping bag and put my bag on the side. "w-what are you doing here?" he rasped still standing by the door as far away from me as possible. "What am i doing here? seriously roy? you did not just ask me that, i barely sleep at night because i don't know what you're doing and if you're okay. You haven't come back in 2 weeks. 2 weeks roy!! you haven't come home. you haven't come back to me" i ranted. my eyes were now glossy and full of tears. He grabbed a water bottle and drank some water from it. He sat on the floor right next to the door. 

"you're better of without me y/n" he whispered. "no i'm not roy that's not true. Before we start talking about this you better answer every fucking question i ask you mister" i replied. He nodded in response. "when was the last time you slept" i started my question answer session. "2 weeks ago" he replied. I sighed sadly. Getting off the sleeping bag and moving onto the floor. Still distance between us both. "what's wrong?" "nothing" he replied again. "roy...." i dragged. "y/n" he said. 

I finished the distance between us and sat right next to him. "dont even try and move roy" i threatened. He gave up and sat still. "Baby, obviously something happened because you're not talking to me... you promised to tell me everything when we started dating so what's changed?" i whispered to him. "w-w- i -i'm a monster y/n that's what's fucking changed" he explained to me. My head snapped in his direction and i made him look at me. "roy you're far from a monster okay?... you're a hero... you're my hero" i repeated. He looked at me sadly. "i was y-your hero i'm a monster now y/n i killed those guards dont you get it. you should stay away from me please" his voice cracked. 

"Roy Harper, we both know that is not what you want and that is not what you need. Baby killing those guards wasn't your fault it was the tiny mira kuru in your system. Felicity told me it's gone now okay? and you would never hurt me.... even witht he mira kuru. I love you my hero" i whispered. A few tears escaped his eyes as he sobbed. His head fell to my chest and i ran my fingers through his hair. "Shhhshh it's okay. You're okay we're going home babe. Home" i hushed him. He slowly stopped crying and hugged me tightly. 

I took him home and tucked him into our bed. I gave him a little medicine for his head ache and then i layed down next to him. He moved closer to me and put his head in the crook of my neck. I turned my head and kissed his jaw. He slowly relaxed and then when i was running my fingers through his hair i heard soft snores. Slowly i fell asleep to and let me just tell you....

It was the best sleep of my life. 

the end 

hope you guys loved it... Requests are open check out the prompts list or if you have any ideas of your own that you'd like to see come to life hmu!!

i know it was kind of short but oh well. 

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