prompts list

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1 : "I never thought I'd ever be jealous about that" 

2 : "people are staring at us" "well, lets make them jealous" 

3 : "Nothing to worry about I'm not going anywhere" 

4 : "I love you, only you baby, no one else" 

5 : "Jealousy doesn't suit you, I'd rather see you smile more" 

6 : "Hey, look at me, I'm yours and no one can change that"

7 : "why would I be jealous, I'm not jealous at all" 

8 : "I wanna kill him"

9 : "I don't like them looking at you like that" "remember you're the only one who can look at me all night long"

10 " whatever it is, you can tell me" 

11 : "I'm here for you" 

12 " I'd come for you, no matter where you are, if you need me I'll be there 

These are only a few quote prompts but i will be updating this list often

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