Oliver Queen : Stressed

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Contains Spoilers for The Arrow 

Y/N's Pov 

Oliver just found out that Thea and Laurel went to Nanda Parbat over the weekend when they were supposed to be at the spa. He was pretty angry at Laurel because if it hadn't been for her then Sara wouldn't have been going crazy like she is right now. 

Thea's bloodlust wasn't getting better and it wasn't helping that Malcolm made her kill two members of the League of Assassins. Oliver didn't know that Thea wasn't getting better so when he found out he seemed pretty stressed. 

I came home straight from the bunker and Oliver said he needed to talk to Laurel. 

I decided to make dinner since it was almost 8:30. I started making mash potatoes with stake when the door slammed close. I turned the stove off and cleaned my hands. I walked towards the lounge. 

"Oliver?" I said because I didn't see him. "hmm?" I heard from the couch. I walked towards the couch and saw him lying there with his hands covering his face. I sat down on the edge of the sofa and said "you okay?". He rubbed his hands on his face and then sat up next to me. "I'm fine" he replied. I put my hand on his shoulder and I could feel how tense he was. "hey... Ollie look at me" I said rubbing my hand on his shoulder soothingly. 

He looked up at me from the corner of his eye and I moved both my hand to his face. I turned his face so he was looking at me. "it's going to be okay" I whispered to him. "I get that y/n but I just- I don't- Thea lied to me she said she was getting better and she isn't... I'm supposed to be taking care of her"  he said frustrated. I didn't say anything but I took my hands off of his face and slid of the side of the sofa onto Oliver's knee. 

He leaned back on the sofa and rubbed his hands on his face. I pulled his hands off and looked at him sympathetically. "what?" he asked. "i love you" i replied smiling. He smiled back and leaned forward and out his head in the crook of my neck. I put my hands in his hair and massaged his scalp. He shivered and pushed his head deeper into my neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "i love you too" he answered. 

I pulled his head away from my neck with my hands still in his hair. I took a long look at his face and then kissed his forehead. Then I was about to get off of his lap when he said "NOOO, where are you going?" I giggled " to the kitchen babe, someone has to cook" "but I'm not hungry" he groaned lying back on the sofa. I came close to his face and kissed him sweetly. 

"Never said the food was for you" I replied sassily. He chuckled and smiled. 


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