Oliver Queen : Birthday

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y/n's Pov 

It was my birthday today and i was at my dad's house. I slept here yesterday because my dad wanted to wish me at midnight. It's currently 1 pm and I'm almost at my house. The place me and Ollie share. 

My dad had wished me at midnight but he wasn't at his house this morning so i was a bit confused. I left a note telling him i left though. Maybe he just went to get groceries. 

I reached the house and opened the door. The lights were off so Oliver was probably still sleeping. I took my shoes off and suddenly heard someone move. I flicked the lights on and everyone jumped out "SuRpRiSe". I gasped and put my hands on my mouth. Oliver chuckled and walked towards me and gave me a hug. He took my hands off of my face and said " Happy birthday princess" he kissed my cheek. 

He kept his hand on my lower back and i thanked him. I looked around and met everyone. My cousins were here my friends were here and- oh.

"Daddy!!" i yelled and ran to my dad he hugged me and laughed. "happy birthday kiddo" "you left this morning i was soo confused" i laughed. John, Rene, Curtis, Thea all of them came and wished me. 

Later when everybody left. I pulled grabbed Oliver's hand and put his hand on my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He smiled into it. "you did all of this for me?" i teased happily. He kissed my neck and looked me in the eyes. 

"Just a thank you for dealing with my shit and helping me through life.. I love you so much gorgeous thank you for staying and not giving up on me" He whispered to me. "Aww i love you soooo much babe" i giggled. 

We shared a kiss and it was the best birthday ever. 

Guys lord, i know my imagines are getting shorter, i dont have a lot of ideas and no body is sending in requests so.... 

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