Oliver Queen : Sick

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Y/N's Pov 

We are all at the bunker right now deciding where to look for Sara next. "The people she's killed have to have something in com- *cough cough*" Oliver was saying something but then burst into a fit of coughs. Felicity rushed to get a glass of water John patted his back "Oliver you alright man?" John asked Oliver. 

"No he isn't. I'll take him home" I said. John nodded. Oliver drank the water and then sniffled and said "No, I'm fine y/n, we have to find Sara". "No you're not, we're going home" I said sternly. "Ollie she's right you're not feeling well, we'll find Sara don't worry, focus on getting better" Thea said. Oliver groaned. 

"No I'm fucking fine can we just focus on the task at hand" . Laurel rolled her eyes and said "It's hard for us to focus on the task at hand when you're as sick as a dog". "I'm Fine" Oliver growled glaring at Laurel. Laurel moved a step back gasping. I stepped in the middle of Oliver and Laurel. 

"Oliver look at me" i whispered to him. He turned his eyes towards me and let his clenched jaw loose. "Baby just look at yourself in the mirror, you're sick let me take care of you, you need a break from this." I explained. He looked at John and John nodded at him. I grabbed his hand and walked towards the elevator with him. 

The ride in the elevator was quiet. Oliver was holding my hand tightly and i was doing the same to him. The ride home was quiet too. Once we got home i put the keys down and said "you should go lie down I'll make some soup for you" I turned around to walk to the kitchen "I don't want soup" Oliver groaned. 

I turned back around and put my hands in his shirt and rubbed his abs. He put his head on my shoulder and said "I want to sleep" "Okay, come on let's get you to bed then" I replied. I took him to our room and covered him in a blanket. "I love you, I'm going to bring some water for when you wake up" I told him. He nodded. 

I left the room to get some water, I put the water on his bedside table and made soup and put it in the fridge. I can warm it for him when he wakes up. Since I wasn't sleepy I decided to sit in the lounge and watch Tv. About an hour later I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Oliver wrapped in a blanket all sleepy coming to the sofa. "Hey" he greeted. "hey baby, how are you feeling? I made soup, I'll go ge-" he cut me off by saying "no don't go, I don't want soup I want to lay with my girlfriend" I giggled and opened my arms for him. He came on the sofa and lied down with his head on my stomach. 

I ran my fingers through his hair and he let all the tension loose. He finally relaxed. He looked up at me with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. "I love you" he whispered. i laughed and replied by saying "i love you too, so much" He then lifted my shirt up just a little and kissed my stomach. 

I screamed. "AAAAAAA Ollie noooo you know I'm ticklish stop!!" he laughed deeply and stopped. He didn't pull my shirt back down so his beard was on my stomach and it was tickling me so much. I burst out laughing. He looked at me confused. "baby move up a little" i said giggling. "why?" he asked confused again. I decided to mess with him. "what? you don't want to sleep on my chest", his eyes widened and he laughed he moved up and lied down on my chest. 

"what was the actual reason babe?" he asked staring at the tv. "your beard was tickling me" i giggled. After a while he fell asleep again while I was running my fingers through his hair. Thank god, he's feeling better now. 

Suddenly, my phone started ringing but ollie was asleep on top of me. Oh god. I slid out from underneath him but when I was about to stand up he pulled me back down. I squealed. 

"Ollie the phone- it's ringing " I grunted trying to loosen his grip on me but it wasn't working. "I don't care" he replied calmly. "what if it's important?" I asked still struggling to get out of his grip. "it's not important because if it was john or someone then they would have just showed up here" he replied calmly again. He wasn't fazed one bit by how I was trying to get out of his grip. 

I sighed giving up and wrapping my arms around his neck. "beautiful?" he asked once I closed my eyes. "hmm" I replied. "can you run your fingers through my hair, it helps when I'm stressed or sick, it just helps, it's the best feeling ever" he started ranting. Oh gosh felicity's habits are rubbing off on him. I giggled and put my hands in his hair. He purred and put his head in my chest again. 

But my phone had to ring and the second it rang he groaned. "Ollie you're awake this time I have to pick up the call" I said sternly. He pouted. "I would kiss you if you weren't sick" I giggled at him. He rolled his eyes and once I got up from the sofa he started whining "Y/n GET BACK HEREEEEE PLEASEEEE". 

I giggled and John who was on the other line laughed and said "what have you done to Oliver queen, y/n"  

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