15: Lie

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The next seven days were pure bliss.

We explored Salerno, Aelius' hometown, for the better part of the week and spent the nights in the comfort of the small hotel we checked in. We ate, walked, captured each moment, and slept together. We did everything we couldn't if there had been shackles of responsibilities tied to us.

I let my worries slip away from my mind and filled the gaps with memories I made with my boyfriend, and he gladly made the most of my limited time in his country.

Here we sat outside a pizzeria downtown, a large, white umbrella protecting us from the hot sun. Our lunch date consisted of much-needed Italian food made by actual Italians, and Aelius had been gushing over this place since last night.

"Gods, I'm sick of the pizzas in my country," I said as I munched on the thin crust. "This is so good, no lie."

"Yeah?" Aelius' lips pulled up into a smirk. "I'll make it for you anytime."

My jaw might as well drop. "You can replicate this?"

"I'm friends with the owner, darling."

My eyes squinted in suspicion. "Yeah?" I said, copying his tone but my effort was in vain. He snickered at the failed impersonation.

Aelius shrugged, pushing himself away from our table, his head leaning toward the pizzeria's entrance. "Zio!" he called. Not even ten seconds go by when a man clad in a black shirt and white apron emerged from the kitchen and into our spot.

"Aelius?" The chef burst in a fit of surprised laughter. "Ah, il mio capitano preferito è qui!"

I just sat there and listened to the two converse, though my ears perked at the greeting. His favorite captain? What did he mean by that? Was it an inside joke between them?

"Mi hai insegnato a fare la pizza," Aelius went on. You taught me how to make pizza. "Voglio cucinare per la mia ragazza mentre siamo in vacanza." I want to cook for my girlfriend while we're on vacation.

"Perderò un bellissimo cliente!" I will lose a beautiful customer! I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the casual compliment.

"Per questo chiedo il permesso." That's why I'm asking for permission.

"Verrò a trovarti di nuovo se non cucina bene," I chimed in without giving it much thought, my chuckles then dying down when I caught their surprised stares.

"Lo prometti?" the chef asked. You promise?

I shot him a smile. "Sì, Signore."

He left soon enough after a staff called for help, something about someone dropping dough on the ground. I was left alone again with Aelius who'd stopped talking when I did. I raised my brows at his silence.

"What? I asked.

"Tu parli Italiano, mio caro?" You speak Italian, my darling?

I nodded, now frowning. "I mainly just use English and German with my family, but Dad forced me to learn Italian, among many others. And a few phrases slipped out in our conversations before." After a moment of letting it sink in, I bit back a laugh. "Wait, you didn't realize I actually knew the language?"

He was laughing now, too. "I thought you just searched for common phrases. Chiedo scusa." I'm sorry.

"You're lucky you're pretty."

"If I'm pretty, can you reward me with German lessons?"

I chuckled. "Give me a phrase."

"'You're perfect'."

Easing Heimweh (Heim, #1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now