Chapter 4: The mistake (*smut warning* )

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( I decided to finally suck it up and post this chapter, I do not know how to write smut I don't even know how to write in general, so please don't be mean in the comments )

Bob looked up at Jimmy noticing his gaze and shit-eating smirk,
" w-what? "
Bob asked caught off guard by Jimmy suddenly putting all the attention on him.
" oh, nothing~ it's just your laughs adorable-"
Jimmy said scooting closer to Bob, Bob's face flushed red at Jimmy's compliment.
" you don't meannn that "
Bob slurred with a dismissive wave,
" I-I dooo mean it your laughs the cutest! " Jimmy said pulling Bob's face to where he was looking him right in the eyes,
Bob chuckled and leaned into Jimmy's hand. His heart was pounding out of his chest.
He hasn't felt like this in a while,
Bob thought, Jimmy's thumb caressed Bob's bottom lip.
This caused Bob to look up into Jimmy's hazel eyes,
everything seemed to slow as Jimmy pulled Bob's face towards him and connected their lips,
Bob melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Jimmy's neck, while Jimmy wrapped his around Bob's waist.
The kiss started sweet and passionate the two just lovingly kissing each other,
but soon it got a little more intense and sloppy as Jimmy pulled Bob forward practically in his lap and licked Bob's lip begging for entrance which Bob eagerly obliged.
Trev was finishing off some of his orders at the bar but remembered Bob and Jimmy and went to check if they wanted another round of " Jimmy's special drink "
so he grabbed a glass or two and walked over to where he last saw Bob and Jimmy but when he looked up he saw Bob and Jimmy aggressively kissing.
Trev dropped the glasses he was holding, his mouth a gap in pure shock.
the shock came over him as he soon felt his blood boil.
BOB!? Out of all people he could have chosen he chose BOB over ME!
Trev was furious he's been subtly flirty with Jimmy for the past few months and being overly nice and taking care of his kids for THIS!?
Trev opened the side door of the bar with a slam and angrily walked out of the party.
Bob and Jimmy were still aggressively kissing when Jimmy got an idea,
" heyyy let's take this somewhere else- "
Jimmy said whispering into Bob's ear, this gave Bob chills.
" o-ok," Bob said with a goofy smile, Jimmy smirked at how cute Bob was and gently lifted Bob off his lap and grabbed his hand.
This took Bob by surprise but he happily took it, Jimmy pulled Bob away from the crowd and to the men's restroom which was currently empty.
Jimmy led Bob to the handicapped stall and let go of Bob's hand to lock the door.
Bob quietly whined missing the warmth of Jimmy's rough hands but was soon back in his grasp in nearly seconds.
Jimmy must be excited since he's being quick about this Bob thought with a quiet laugh. Jimmy grabbed Bob's hand and gently kissed it before wrapping his arms back around Bob's soft waist.
He loved the feeling, he just wanted to squeeze Bob's soft frame but refrained as he once again looked into Bob's eyes before coming back for another kiss.
Bob felt weird from Jimmy's gaze until he started leaning in for another kiss which Bob excitedly took.
Jimmy laughed at Bob before biting his lip asking for entrance once again.
Bob obliged, Jimmy hungrily pulled Bob to his chest with a growl and explored every inch of Bob's mouth which caused him to let out a few moans before he pulled away panting heavily and leaned into Bob's neck.
Bob shivered from Jimmy's warm breath as he started giving him Love bites covering most of his neck.
Bob let out small moans enjoying the attention and somewhat massage until Jimmy stopped and bit hard.
Bob's eyes shot open, he loudly moaned out of pain and pleasure.
Jimmy smirked liking Bob's reaction and removed his face from the crook of Bob's neck to see Bob a blushing mess with a slight bit of drool hanging at the corner of his mouth, Jimmy felt proud of himself but decided to take it up a notch.
He flipped Bob around and pressed him against the wall.
This caught Bob off guard as he turned an even brighter shade of red.
Jimmy started to grope Bob everywhere he desired, he was getting impatient.
Bob moaned a little, loving the affection and attention he was receiving, it felt different and he liked it.
Jimmy took Bob out of his thoughts as he groped Bob's chest.
" Ack! "

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