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Robert was woken up early the next day by his father, who handed him enough money to pay for plane tickets to the hotel and back. Robert wasn't too thrilled to be getting back on a plane, let alone be around the people he did not want to see right now. Robert packed a small bag of clothes before allowing his father to drive him to the airport.

Robert must have had a sour look on his face the entire time; because when it came time to depart on the plane, Robert's father could only muster up a 'proud of ya son' before awkwardly patting Robert's shoulder and shuffling away, leaving Robert standing alone and confused. 'What a send off.' Robert thought bitterly, turning on his heel sharply before briskly walking into the boarding hall; where Robert was ushered onto the plane.

Thankfully, Robert was able to get first class this time around, meaning no irritating old wench bitching about the lackluster conditioning of the second class section. Robert felt less bad about telling her to put a sock in it now that he was somewhat mentally stable. That time around Robert was off his rocker completely, but now Robert was about the same level of mentally fucked as he was before he left the first time.

Robert sat in his assigned seat with an exasperated huff, sinking down far into his seat before hugging his loose black cardigan closer around him; his nerves growing as the plane sat stationary on the landing strip. Robert daringly peeked out the window, seeing the many workers scrambling about to prepare for takeoff. Robert took in a deep breath, forcing himself to relax a bit before closing the window once more and leaning his head back against the soft cushioned seat. Robert closed his eyes, hearing the captain start to speak over the intercom; but he didn't care enough to listen. Robert had already strapped in, he knew the procedures well enough.

Robert gripped the arm rest tightly, feeling the plane's engine come alive; and suddenly Robert was a hell of a lot more nervous than he was just a few moments ago. Robert bit his lip, sinking further into his seat until the seat belt started to cut into his stomach; making it painful to sit the way he was seated. Suddenly, Robert felt the plane jerk forward and he covered his eyes; wishing that he was anywhere except there.

"E-excuse me sir? Are you alright?" a male's voice said shyly, and Robert swore that he almost sounded like Simon for a moment. Robert pulled his hands away from his eyes and looked to his left, where a rather intimidated looking bloke stood in the isle; gazing down at him with a concerned expression. "...what?" Robert blurted out stupidly, blinking rapidly as the guy covered his mouth to hide a smile.

"I-i was just making sure you were alright... you looked frightened.." the guy said, biting his lip. "Do... Do you mind if I sit with you?" the bloke said, taking Robert by surprise even more. Robert took in a breath before looking away, his eyes locked onto his hands that were folded in his lap. "S-sure... i don't mind, the seats' empty anyways..'' Robert mumbled, looking on edge around the stranger. Robert heard the stranger let out a little sigh of relief before taking the seat next to Robert; fiddling shyly with his hands before looking at Robert's profile.

"You are very pretty." the bloke said, making Robert tense. Robert set his jaw before he sharply looked at the guy, "what did you want again?" Robert said slowly, his cold blue eyes staring at the bloke down- his expression guarded and unfriendly. "W-well i... I didn't mean to blurt that out.. I just... i dunno.." the guy said, fiddling with his hands. Robert stared at him down, seeing how nervous and... shy, this bloke was.

It reminded Robert of himself when he first met Simon.

Robert let out a breath, his shoulders relaxing. "...I'm sorry. I'm just on edge... I haven't been too hot for the past few months... years... i don't know..'' Robert mumbled, biting his lip before sighing softly. Robert hugged himself before suddenly the plane hit turmoil as it rose higher and higher into the sky; making the whole plane shake violently. Robert let out a panicked gasp and pressed back into his seat, eyes going wide.

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