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With the writing of a few new singles, Robert had slowly warmed up to the idea of working as the cure once more. He was still hesitant, since he felt as though without simon the band wouldn’t be the same; however with the aid of porl, robert eventually agreed to do a band session with andy anderson on drums, phil thornally on bass and lol and keyboards and drum machine; things started to go into motion once more for the cure.

Robert got along well with the new members of the cure, and he made sure to keep himself in check when the band went out for drinks. However things were going well! And that was good news for Chris, because he had already released the next single Robert had written with lol, and although the older fans of the cure weren’t too interested in it, it had hit the pop charts in just a few days.

Chris was already planning for a new album, if Robert kept this up the cure might even release a new album! That would be good news for everyone.

“Mnm, yeah… I'll be there, don't worry mary.'' Robert said calmly, a small smile resting on his face as he played with the end of his shirt; mindlessly staring at the receiver. Today Mary had asked Robert if he would join her family for dinner, and of course Robert had to go. He wouldn't want to disappoint mary.

“‘’Okay obert, just make sure you aren't late! I’ll see you later!” Mary said cheerfully before hanging up on robert. Robert sighed softly, placing the phone back down before glancing around. Robert was at his home, he decided to take a day off- focus on rest and things like that. Robert’s room was messy, so the first thing on his list of things to do was clean his room.

“Better get started… I'd rather not wake up to roaches again.'' Robert mumbled to himself, starting to slowly pick up clothes from his floor. He would take things one at a time, that’s how his mother got things done. 

Robert thought less and less about Simon  now, he had better things to be worried about, like the new music he was putting 9ut or how in the world he was going to get that weird stain off the floor. 

A soty sigh came from Robert as he tossed all of his clothes into the bin, wondering why he allowed his room to get destroyed like this all the time. It would be nice to have someone to help him clean, however he wouldn’t ask for help for something like this. That would be too embarrassing.

Robert shook away those thoughts, refocusing himself. He wanted to get this done today.


Slowly  but surely Robert eventually finished cleaning his room, after 2 hours. That was enough to tire Robert 9out, and he ended up falling asleep on his freshly cleaned bed that now smelled like cedarwood. It was familiar and calming, he couldn’t describe what it reminded him of but it put him to sleep fast.

However, Robert ended up forgetting about the dinner with Mary, and the only time he woke up was when Chris called him to tell him about how well the new single ‘let's go to bed’ is doing.  Robert then somehow got dragged into going to the bar with the band, still not remembering the fact that he had promised to go to dinner with Mary's family tonight. 

Robert laughed and playfully pushed Andy, “you are crazy!” the robot grinned, bussed from drinking with his mates. Andy had just told some funny joke that had Robert in hysterics for some reason, and porl had snuck off with lol to the bathroom to smoke a joint. Robert was really starting to like this andy fellow, he was quirky and told funny jokes.

“I'm a serious man!” Andy said loudly, his laughter causing Robert to cackle more. However the happy feeling soon ended when a certain girl came stomping into the bar.

“Robert james smith!” ary’s angr5y voice caught Robert's attention, and he immediately knew he was in trouble. Andy made a face and looked over to Mary, not sure what was going on. Robert did the same and set his drink down. “Mary- what?” Robert said, feeling a bit embarrassed since she WASN’T being very discrete.

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