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Here's what happened to me during those past 2 weeks.

'Text, you didn't send any texts about this...I thought I'd be riding the bus by your side for a while you know...' said Jamie

' Am I disturbing anything between you two or...'

' No you're not, it's nothing to worry about Butchy. We can go now. If you may excuse us Jamie' I was in control, finally. It was a dream come true.

My arm around the shoulder of Liv San Derrelo walking down the sidewalk to catch the bus. I even cuddled with her at the back seat of the thing. Life was...great.
I'm the son of a well-established movie producer, Hendrix Kowalski. He's done so many masterpieces but there's one I can say was the best for me, The Spider-man movie set. It was about 2 years ago from then. The movie was starring acting legend Chuck San Derrelo, but he's not what made that day special for me. It was this chick I noticed in the back of the set, sitting all alone reading a book.

' Aren't you going to see what goes on behind the scenes of such a sick movie?' I asked her as I sat down next to her on a props box.

' I think we all get bored watching people dancing around in front of a green screen. Am I right? Haha' She was still gazing at her book, but I didn't mind.

I was already hooked by her ignorant vibe.

' Totally, I don't even like green. It's too haha' Yep, I didn't know what to say, hoping that those lines were good enough to keep the convo alive.

The noise from the crew moving up and down, moving crates, boxes and all types of cargo was soothing when you're in a situation like mine. Trying to get her attention.

' Was that supposed to come out like that?' She was ready to burst into a laugh, I could tell. With her book out of the way between us, I had a chance to look at her face and her unique smile.

A smile was brighter than my own ego, humbling to anyone who's seen it for the first time, a smile I felt privileged to cause.

' Yeah, I was trying to keep the convo flowing... wasn't supposed to say that.'

' Hey,...' She closed the book and looked me in the eyes.

' You don't need to impress me with anything, you're doing great I guess ha' She smiled again, my heart was doing backflips.

We had each other for the whole day as the final scene of the movie was being shot. I had to make sure that I didn't waste a second with her. I'd even wait for her right next to the portable bathroom. It's crazy how time flies when you're stuck on someone playing with time of your own.

' There you are. It's time to go...' My dad's driver was looking for me all over the set for nearly half an hour.

So I knew that he was pissed off just from the way his face looked when he finally found me with a girl.

' Hey, sorry that I didn't ask but what's your name?...' She took my heart away asking for my name.

' Albert, but everyone calls me Butch...You can choose any one of them!' I was trying to buy some time as I was dragging my feet against the driver who was pulling me by my arm, away from her.

' And don't worry, I already know your name! Who wouldn't?! ' I was satisfied and started walking properly away from her and trying to keep eye contact, whilst looking back at her.

Once we left the site, I knew that it was the last time I was ever going to see her in person. We were in New York doing the shoot, but I lived across the country. Thinking of it when I was on the plane made me feel worse than being emotionally silent.

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