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Hey so I realized that I originally wrote this story before I even knew how to write.
I wrote this story by just trying to move along quickly and get to the main plot, without giving proper dialogue or detail into characters or anything.
So if you have read this before July 16, 2023, then there are some minor changes. It's essentially the same story but with more detail in characters.
By reading comments, I have realized that the love interests are horrible and you can't understand them at all without backstory. So I'm giving more detail in Three Alphas so you can be a little more prepared for the future prequel.

Charlie's POV

The sun shines through my new window, waking me up for my first day of school, my first day being in the middle of April but whatever. I slowly stumble out of bed and yawn as I sleepily walk towards my closet.

I throw on black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red flannel around my waist for the aesthetic or if I get cold. I glance in the mirror, hoping the kids at school won't hate me immediately, you know how high schoolers are.

My auburn hair makes my freckles stand out like usual as I comb through it a couple times. And yet, it still poofs up in small waves. I hurry to the bathroom to do all of that business before rushing down the hallway to our new kitchen.

As soon as I walk in, Dad is heading towards the door. He turns to me, in full police uniform, and gives a sad smile. "Hey Charlie," He starts awkwardly, "Uh, I'm going to be a little late tonight. So don't wait up or anything. Sorry, but I'll be home more often, I swea-" I cut him off, having heard this same thing many times.

"Dad! It's fine. I understand. I'll see you tonight, okay?" He nodded and left the house, climbing into his patrol car. I sighed before grabbing an apple on the way to grab my backpack.

I ate my apple as I started walking to school. It wasn't too far since it was a small town but also, I'd prefer to not have to walk everywhere. We're not poor but we're also definitely not wealthy. Dad had to move us to a tiny town to save money. I think it'll be okay eventually, like logically, I'll get used to it. But I just wish we had enough money so I could get a car. And then maybe Dad wouldn't have to work all the time.

There it is.

My new high school.

The place where I'll start junior year.

Come on, I'm 16. I can deal with a new school.

No panic attacks today... right?

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with social anxiety and just the regular kind of anxiety. So I'm never actually calm, I guess.

Okay, I've been standing outside for like five minutes, just staring at the building. Kids are walking past me, chatting happily. I take a deep breath before walking inside slowly.

It's loud, that's for sure. Small town kids really aren't afraid to talk to any other student. I guess they all know each other. I can locate the different cliques by simply observing the student-filled hallway.

I bite my lip as I look around. I have already memorized my schedule so now I need to find my 1st period. It's an advanced math class. Since I didn't spend much time with friends when I was younger, I spent all my time studying. Equations just make more sense than people. They always have an answer. You can be right or you can be wrong.
But people?
People are unreliable and uncertain.

I gulped and started my journey into the busy hallway. I got bumped into by many different people but kept my head down. It's best not to make enemies on the first day. I don't like confrontation so I shouldn't aggravate people I don't know.

Eventually, I find the classroom and head in. Some students are already sitting at their desks, talking to each other before the bell rings.

I shuffle forward to an empty seat. It's next to a boy, a senior like the rest of the class. He had dark brown eyes and black curly hair, shaved at the sides. He was talking to a few girls behind him before he noticed me.

He smiled, offering a dark skinned hand to shake. I hesitated but took it, not ready for him to wildly shake it with too much enthusiasm.

He started speaking happily as he continued shaking my smaller hand, "Hi I'm Darius! Are you-" He stopped halfway through the sentence, furrowing his eyebrows for a moment. "Do I... Do I know you? Have we met?" I shake my head, pulling my hand from his grasp. The side of his mouth twitches as his smile slowly softens. "Oh, well it's nice to meet you."

I adjust in the seat awkwardly and try to smile, "Um, are you alright?"

He let out a quiet breath. "Uh, yeah. Yup! So, what was your name again?" He changed our topic without a stutter.

"Charlie." I state. Darius leaned in close, examining me closer. "Are you sure you're alright?" I breathe out a small laugh.

He leans back in his chair and nods, "Yup, I'm fine. But you, you're fresh meat here. Let me be your guide, and maybe you won't die. Maybe." He winks mischievously. "Tell me about yourself, Charlie."

I cleared my throat, "Well I'm sixteen and I'm a junior. I skipped a grade and I'm in honors classes."

He raised an eyebrow, "Ah, Capricorn."

"I... what?" I glance to the side but it's just the two of us talking, he's not trying to be funny. Maybe he's just... quirky. "I have a late birthday. I turned sixteen in January."

He hums with a grin, "Ah, so you're like Einstein."

"Not that smart."

"So you're like that Young Sheldon show?"

"Not that young."

"I see..."

"So anyway... I haven't gotten a tour of the school yet so maybe you could help me out."

He patted my back with a little smile and looked up at the teacher when she started talking.

I still don't understand why he was staring at me with such shock in his eyes. It really did seem like he knew me though. I could tell, somehow, that he recognized some part of me. But at least he's being friendly.
Maybe he'll become a friend!

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