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The guys lead me towards the woods, silently. I stop walking before crossing the line where pavement turns to grass, giving them odd looks.

I call out, "Where are you going?"

They all turn back to me, standing at the tree line. Adam says back, "Just for a little walk. Come on." After I hesitate, he adds with a little smile, "We promise we don't bite." He gives a little wink.

A part of me wishes they did bite.
Holy fuck! When did I get so kinky?

I glance around, still seeing the safe daylight in the sky. So, I decide to follow them into the quiet forest. They keep walking farther into the never-ending forest, knowing I'm following closely. I bite my lip, looking all around at the sites. 

It was green, only green. Well and brown from the trees and sticks and stuff, but mostly green.

As I'm distracted by admiring nature, apparently the guys had stopped moving. Suddenly my back hits a tree, the hands holding onto my jacket keep me from slamming into it too hard.

I gasp and look up at Adam. His smirk appears after a flash of concern goes through his eyes from my back hitting the tree a little harder than he intended. When he's sure I'm not going to keel over with a broken spine, he leans down to my neck. He breathes in before pressing his lips to my skin softly. I glance behind him, not understanding how Dean and Ethan watch as if this is nothing. I'm wide eyed even as he moves away.

After a moment, Adam starts talking and his hands loosen on the hold on my/his jacket, "We weren't planning on telling you yet. But you're our mate."

My eyes glance at the others to see if they have any idea what he's talking about. They watch me, waiting for my reaction.
Are they serious right now?
What are they talking about?
Mate as in a friend from Australia or something?

I scoff, letting them know how I feel about their odd joke. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?" I roll my eyes and shove Adam's hands off of me, "Seriously, that's weird." They frown at me. "I tolerated the freaky intensity of you guys. And the weird walks through the woods. And the gang thing yesterday. But really? Now you're really freaking me out! I should've listened to Darius..."

Ethan continues trying to convince me, "Charlie, we're serious." I roll my eyes again, refusing to make eye contact. "Please believe us. It's important!" I huff out an annoyed breath before turning back the way we came.

I was quickly stopped when arms wrapped around my torso, Dean holding me so Adam and Ethan could keep talking. "Charlie, listen. We're different. We-"

I interrupt as I struggle in Dean's arms, "I don't care! Leave me alone!" Dean tightens his arms around my waist, almost suffocating me with how tense he is holding me.

Adam grabs my face. Even though his hold is strong, it's still gentle. He makes me look at him as he speaks, "We're werewolves."

Well that was an odd thing to say...

I stop moving to stare at him, watching him like he's an idiot. Dean growls out behind me, "We're serious and you're our mate. You need to listen! This next part is really important-"

I decided I had enough.

I slam my foot down onto Dean's before swinging it forward to hit Adam between the legs. They both stumble, making Ethan go to their aid. I take my chance, running as fast as I can away from them. 

I don't know if I'm going further into the woods or closer to where we started. I didn't really look before running and all of these trees look the same. You could say it's easy to get turned around in here.

I barely hear them start yelling as I run, my ear pounding. Clearly I had gotten far but I can't stop now. I continue running, hopping over fallen trees and branches and bushes.

With my lungs fighting to keep up, I take a moment to look back to see if they're catching up. I know they're coming but I can't see them.

Something catches my foot as I turn forward again. I fall to the ground quickly, getting scraped by twigs. I winced and groaned in pain as I tried to lift my face off the ground. I let out a wheezing cough, trying to pick myself up. I immediately fall back down, feeling my lungs squeeze tightly. I try to take gulps of air but can't seem to grasp any that can keep my lungs satisfied.

As I struggle for air, hands start grabbing my body. I ignore them, trying to focus on breathing. Someone pulls me up to lean on my knees.

My vision is blurry as I take in almost no oxygen. Hands grab my face, my arms, and my sides. People are talking but it's being drowned out with my coughing and the loud thumping in my ears. My hands reach out in front of me, trying to grab onto something to ground me.

Someone shakes me before pulling me so close and talking so loud that I have to pay attention to them. "Charlie! Charlie, what's wrong?" Adam's nervous eyes catch mine as he kneels in front of me.

I wheeze out, "Inhaler, I need, I need my inhaler."

Hands start grabbing at my torso and other pockets. Someone reaches into the leather jacket, pulling out the little thing that could save my life.

Cold plastic gets pressed to my lips, sliding in between them. The person holding the inhaler helps me take the medication, making it so much easier to take the puffs of the medicine than if I were to do it with my shaky ass hands.

And soon, I'm able to take deep slow breaths again.

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