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I stare down at the table, trying to ignore Ethan's constant gaze. Eventually they ignore me, talking about something and eating their dinner. I lean back in the chair, pulling out my phone when it buzzes.

It was a text from Darius:

Has Adam, Ethan, and Dean talked to you yet?

I answered,

No? I'm with them now. Why do they need to talk to me?

And then he ghosted me. I sigh, pouting at my phone as I get no answer.

Dean pokes my side, leaning close, "What's wrong? What's on your phone?"

I peek up at him, admiring his gorgeous green eyes and long eyelashes. "Um, just a text." All three guys look up at me, curiosity showing through their delightful facial features. "It's nothing." Suddenly Dean snatches my phone from my hands. I hurry to lean over, not caring that I'm almost completely in his lap, and try to grab it back. "Dean! Stop!" I whine, sounding more twinkish than I mean it to. Ethan and Adam chuckle at my attempts to take back the phone.

Dean has one hand on my chest, keeping me at arms length as his other hand holds my phone to the side as he snoops through it. He silently scrolls through my phone as I try to grab it back.

I pull back and slump against my chair with a pout. I turn my gaze back to the table, crossing my arms angrily. I hear someone coo at me, causing me to look up to find Ethan staring at me. He smiles, making my lips involuntarily lean upward in a shy grin as my cheeks turn pink.

I look away from Ethan to the seat in front of me, Adam smirks at me. He winks before licking his lips and biting his bottom one subconsciously.

I blush again before someone scoffs beside me, "Seriously?" Dean starts, "The only people you have the numbers of are your dad and Darius?" Dean raises an eyebrow, making me upset that he's picking on me.

I thought we were bonding. I thought these very very attractive guys wanted to be my friends. I look down in shame and embarrassment.

"Well now you have ours." My eyes snap up to Dean's face as he starts making new contacts in my phone, putting him and his boyfriends in my phone.

Adam stands from the table after a moment, "Ready to get out of here?" He asks. On cue, the others stand up, paying for their food. I quickly stumble out of my seat and follow them toward the door.

Three AlphasWhere stories live. Discover now