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I shiver audibly, trying to bring the large jacket closer. Dean looks down at me, and I stare back. He clears his throat before speaking and breaking eye contact, "Sorry for scaring you. We didn't mean to." He takes a pause before awkwardly adding, "And in the cafeteria, um... I'm sorry for saying I wanted to kill you. I wasn't really thinking. I just..." He clears his throat, wishing Adam and Ethan weren't around so he could say it without embarrassment. "I've been told that I'm easy to make irritated..."

I don't miss the way Ethan smirks from Dean's other side. Has there been like an ongoing discussion about if Dean has anger issues or not?

I nod to Dean, accepting the apology before saying my own, "And I'm sorry for throwing stuff at you."

Ethan laughs slightly from the other side of Dean, "That was actually pretty funny."

Dean snaps at him, "You only think that cause you didn't get hit!"

"Aw, did lil puppy get hurt?" Ethan questions with a fake pout. Dean growls before tackling Ethan. They roll around in the mud, leaving me with Adam. I watch as they wrestle about in the mud. Even though they seem to be going rough, it all seems pretty playful.

Adam sighs with an eyeroll, "Guys, come on. We gotta get him home." He gestures to me, making both Ethan and Dean jump up, forgetting the fight.

We walk in silence for a few minutes before Adam shoots his arm out in front of me. I run into it with a grunt, peeking up at him. He stares off into the woods intently, the others doing the same. Their bodies are tense as the silence comes from all three of them.

I was about to question it when Ethan mumble into my side, "Stay silent."

Suddenly three big dudes come out of the trees. One I recognized as the man Dean had a fight with this morning. He only had a bruised cheek and a cut lip. The other two were larger than him and seemed angry.

Dean took a step forward and started speaking as Adam pulled on my wrist to get me to stand behind him, "What do you want, Josh?"

One of the men, Josh, stepped forward. "Well Dean, it seems like you've messed with us for the last time!" 

"Everyone knows you started the fight, Jason!" Ethan shoots back, glaring at the bruised man.

"With all due respect," The unnamed one says, "You three are too emotional and weak to lead."

They were all glaring, challenging each other to make the first move.

Am I about to be in the middle of a testosterone filled fight?

"Oh look at that." One of them breaks the silence. "You three have got yourselves a little bitch." He speaks, spotting me from behind Adam.

Adam steps forward abruptly, "Don't disrespect him!"

Jason, the bruised one, widens his eyes as he glances from me to Adam. "Oh!" He exclaims, "Is that who I think it is?" He chuckles, giving me a dark look.

Dean stares them down, intimidating them easily, "Leave. You saw what happened last time one of you tried something." He gestured to the bruised man. "If you try anything like that again, we won't let you live another fucking moment in this town."

After a quiet pondering moment, Josh turns and leads the others off into the woods, retreating.

Ethan is the first to become less tense, "Those cowardly bastards." The other two agree with small smirks of success.

I stand in shock, watching them laugh at the fellow psychotic man. "What the hell is wrong with all of you?" They all look at me and stop laughing. "You're all crazy. What kind of gang shit are you in?"

Adam rolls his eyes, "We just saved you from getting murdered or something in the woods. Be a little grateful."

I scoff, "You're still crazy." I walk past them, shoving Dean slightly to get past. I don't get far, Ethan's fingers wrapping around my wrist and yanking me back. I gasp as I'm suddenly thrown over his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my thighs and starts walking. I grunt and hit his back, "Let me go!"

Adam grabs my chin from behind Ethan, "You're being more bitchy than Dean, shut up." Dean shoots him a glare. I whimper as his grip tightens on my face. "We're just trying to get you home." I nod quickly, keeping my mouth shut.

Once we're on my back porch, Ethan put me down. I look up at them with a pout and adjust the jacket that smells so strangely appealing.

I mumble in question, "Are you going to explain what that was back there?"

Adam glances at the other two before shrugging, "Don't worry about. And..." Ethan nudges Adam's shoulder, encouraging him to continue. "And we're sorry if we freaked you out. At any point of you knowing us."

I nod slowly and mutter, "Yeah, thanks."

With that, I open the door. Right before the door closes after I step inside, Adam grabs the side. He points to the leather jacket still on me, "Wear that tomorrow, please."

I furrow my eyebrows but notice the pleading and desperate look in his eyes. With a shrug to my shoulders, I promise, "Okay yeah, whatever."

Then they leave. Back into the woods, leaving me very very confused. But also very interested.

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