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Oh thank goodness!

I burst through the double doors at the end of the hall. Only to come faced with the whole school.
The lunchroom, of course.

At the loud sound of the doors hitting the wall, everyone in the cafeteria turns to me. With their attention on me, I'm even more nervous. This is the last thing someone with social anxiety wants!
What the fuck, God?

After hesitating for a moment, I jump back into action when I hear the shouts behind me. The fast footsteps I can hear down the hall are getting louder. I run straight forward, trying to make it to the other side of the cafeteria as fast as I could.

Suddenly the doors slam open once again. Everyone gasps as the infamous three furious men stand at the entrance.

It's quiet.

Dead silent.

Besides my loud, scared panting.

Before I can make it too far, arms tangle around my torso. But the speed from both of us cause us to go flying straight into a trash can in the center of the cafeteria. It gets knocked over, trash going everywhere, but the impact successfully frees me.

I roll across the tile floor, picking myself up as fast as I can. I barely glance at where Dean is on the ground, glaring at me from beside the pile of trash.

I turn forward, trying to ignore everyone's gaze.
Maybe if I find Darius then I won't die?
Nah, he seemed pretty spooked by them so I doubt he'd post-up for some kid he just met today.

I turn back toward them, walking backward around a table that is the only thing between me and the other side of the door.

The three men I'm running from walk forward. I have nowhere else to go. There's an exit door in the cafeteria but there's no way I could make it. Now there's only an empty table between us.
I will die today...

They stand on the other side, glaring at me. Adam stands in the middle, staring into my soul.
Ethan, on Adam's left, has furrowed dark blond eyebrows, making it very evident that even though he's the bubbly sweet one, he is also like they say, intimidating.
Dean is standing on Adam's right, somehow seeming more angry than the other two put together.
Talk about a hot-head...

I rush out in a panicked voice, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to throw a book at you! I panicked!"

The room collectively gasped, trying not to laugh at the fact that I threw something at the scariest guys at school on my first day.

Adam orders lowly, "Just stop running!"

I shake my head.

And then guess what...

I take a step back before turning around and running. I pass a table with abandoned food on it so I reached out and grabbed an apple. And did the thing that got me into trouble at the beginning.

I threw it at the boys.
It hit Dean in the stomach. He grunted and his eyes were now full of pure rage, no mercy will be left for me.

"I hate getting stuff thrown at me!" He growls out, as if it's like something from his dark and mysterious past.

Ethan glances at Dean, the anger fading with worry appearing. Dean is about to charge at me, probably going for the kill.

Just as Dean's feet start moving, Ethan makes a last minute decision to turn and grab at Dean's arms. He wraps his arms around Dean, holding Dean in a tight bearhug to block his arms from moving. Dean gets yanked back into Ethan's chest. He struggles in Ethan's hold, still somehow glaring at me. Ethan is barely able to keep his arms around Dean as they stare at me.

Ethan turns to Adam and told him in an hushed voice, "Adam, we gotta go. Now!" Adam shakes his head, still watching me. Ethan glares up at him as he hugs Dean's arms to the man's side from behind. With major urgency in his voice, Ethan grumbles with force, "Adam!"

Ethan had gotten his attention. Adam huffs out a breath and goes to Ethan to help him restrain Dean. They hold onto his arms as they pull him back to the double doors.

As Dean gets dragged away, he shouts at me, "No! No, I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

I think I'm gonna pass out.


And, everything's dark...

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