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After waking up in the nurse's office, I was told that school was already over so I walked home. I step into my empty, quiet house. I drop my backpack onto the kitchen table and breath out a relieved breath of being home.

Rubbing at my sore hip, I make my way to the bathroom. I pull up my shirt, eyes widening at the growing bruise on my hipbone. Crashing in the cafeteria earlier with Dean's full weight on me must have banged me up quite a bit.

Other than that bruise, nothing else is too concerning. Just aches, really.

Going back into the kitchen, I glance to the back door. Our backyard is literally just a small patch of grass before the tree line into the forest right outside.

I breathe out, deciding to take a walk, maybe that'll clear my mind. I leave through the glass back doors. It's getting windy and cloudy so I won't stay for long. I just need to relax a bit.

I follow an imaginary trail, getting deeper into the woods. Dark clouds fill the sky. I gaze up at them as I walk, starting to worry if I'll make it back before it starts to pour.
Getting distracted is my biggest weakness.
A branch was under my foot, making me lose balance and fall down a steep muddy hill.

I land on my stomach, groaning in pain. I lift my head from the forest floor. Rain starts pouring down roughly on my back. I stand quickly, ignoring the mud on my hands and legs. My hand rubs my face, trying to keep rainwater from getting in my eyes. I groan, and wipe the mud on my hands on my pants.

I glance all around, trying to find where I came from. It all looks the same. I start in one direction, only to see that there are no footprints. There's no way I could've come from there.

I take a step back, my foot landing in a puddle. I slip on the mud, falling back onto the ground. I shiver as the cold mud hits my back. I sit up, pulling off my flannel. I slip it onto my arms but I'm still freezing in the rain.

I sigh before realizing I have my phone. I yank it from my back pocket quickly. I open it but I have no signal.
Of course...

Suddenly I hear a growl from behind me. I freeze at the sound. I gulp and slowly look up from my phone, turning my head to the side.

Then something pokes into the side of my neck. I shiver and whimper at the strange feeling.
The thing is cold and wet, and covered in... fur?
Then another thing pokes the other side of my neck. A tear drops subconsciously as I fear for my life.
Another growl sounds in my ear. A third thing pokes into my hair.

I hear something breathe in deeply. For some reason, I decide to whisper to the unknown thing, "Please don't hurt me."

Suddenly the things pull away. I build up the courage to slowly turn my body around.

There in front of me, I see the largest wolves ever. They have to be at least above my waist when I stand up. Three of them, not even a foot away from me. A golden blond one, a black one, and a dark brown one.

I breathe out shakily, my bottom lip trembling with nerves. I turn my whole body around quickly, attempting to scramble away from the creatures.

The black wolf jumps forward, tackling me back on the ground. My phone slips from my hands as the wolf holds me down on the ground. I glance at my phone, leaving the wolf's gaze for a moment.

Could I reach it in time?
Before I get eaten?
And do what, Charlie? Dumb ass, there's no Wi-Fi out here.
Should I throw my phone at these monster wolves?
No, that's how I become dinner.
Well fuck.

The wolves study me, not aggressively. Not even the wolf that has me pinned on the ground seems that aggressive at the moment, just curious.

The brown one steps forward. It comes around the black one, leaning in near my face, almost touching noses with me. It moves its face to my neck, breathing in, sniffing.

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