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Before lunch, I make my way to the library to get a book for a project. The library is a quiet and empty place. Which is exactly the kind of place I like to spend my free time.

I go towards the back of the large library, noting how the room is basically empty of people. Darius told me the books that I need for my project are in the back corner. So that's where I go.

While searching through the shelf , I hear some talking nearby.

I hide behind the shelf and peek at the scene at a close by table. Two men are standing by it, and another man is sat at the table. I recognize one of the standing men as Ethan and the sitting man as Dean.

There's another man though, standing beside where Dean is sat and across the table from where Ethan is stood. He seems large, even though he probably isn't taller than Dean and still isn't super buff like a pro wrestler or something. I suppose it's just the intimidation aura he gives off.

Anywho, just like the other two men in the room, this man is gorgeous. He's pale but maybe he has some descent of something darker? His eyes are cold blue and his hair is wavy and light brown, on the edge of blond.

But if there's another guy with these two... Then that must be Adam!

I watch as Adam growls in Dean's ear, "Stop getting in fights! How many times do I have to tell you?"

Dean keeps his head down, glaring at the table he's sitting at. He's livid, clenching his fists as they rest on the tabletop.

Ethan comes around the table and puts his hand on Adam's shoulder, "Just listen to the whole story, babe." Adam frowns at Ethan before turning back to Dean, staring down at him expectantly.

"He was trying to take my role! You know how he is!" Dean growls, "He thought he could challenge me again! We all know that he's nowhere near alpha potential."

I furrow my eyebrows, silently questioning what he means by alpha. They aren't those weird guys on social media that think they're superior, are they? Or are they furries?

Adam nods and they seem like they change to a different topic. Dean becomes less tense and Adam's anger fades. Ethan becomes all smiley, clearly being the bubbly one of the group.

After they whisper to each other for a while, I get bored of spying on three randos and am about to leave. Nothing interesting seemed to be happening.

Until, Adam tangles his hands in the bottom of Ethan's t-shirt, yanking him forward to slam onto the table. Adam bent Ethan onto the table so his front was to Ethan's backside.

I watch in shock as Ethan whines, "Adam! You know I don't like doing it like this!" Adam smiled down at the blond, kissing his neck sweetly.

"Well," Adam starts, "We have to take turns since we don't have them yet." Adam mumbles, seemingly... sad?

I was so entranced in their strange behavior, that I didn't notice my hold on my book got loose.
And before I knew it, my book dropped to the ground, almost completely echoing in the quiet library.

I jump, like Ethan, Adam, and Dean. Adam stood up straight, releasing Ethan from below him to do the same. Dean scrapes the legs of the chair on the ground as he stands abruptly.

My face turns red as my eyes became wide. I tried to calm my breathing as I stutter, "Um-I uh, I'm sorry! I wasn't- I mean... I didn't mean to snoop or anything!"

I was too busy rambling to notice the sparkle in their eyes. The way the three strangers didn't get angry when they noticed me watching them.
They just seemed... in awe.
Like there was something special about me.
Like they knew me...

Adam took a step towards me, leading the other two to take the step as well. I gulp as they come closer. My eyes somehow get wider as I go into full panic mode.

I grab a book off the shelf beside me.
A dictionary.
And I throw it at him.
I threw a huge dictionary at Adam.

And I ran like hell.

I sprint out of the library, trying not to scream. I didn't even wait to see what their reactions were.

However, I heard them shouting even after the door closed behind me.

I did the one thing Darius told me not to.
I pissed off Dean and Ethan.
On top of that, I just pissed off Adam...

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