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"Wait what?" I deadpan.

Yes, I know what he said.
I think.
But did he really say that?
He couldn't have!
I'm going crazy!
I have to be.
Because if I'm not, that means he said-

"I know about the werewolves." He stated again, acting as if it were that simple.

My mouth opens and closes multiple times, "W-What? No! No way you can!"

He looked at me with a blank face, "Charlie, I'm a cop. And this town," He chuckled lowly. "Has a lot of strange issues." I gave him a questioning look to get him to further explain. He points at the guys behind me. "Your werewolf friends cause a lot of problems."

Dean scoffed, cutting in, "That wasn't us!" I gave him a look, hoping he would shut up. But he didn't. "Josh, Jason, and Mike. They're the ones causing you trouble." Dean paused, glancing at me. "I think we've taken care of Jason for awhile."

I stare at him, wondering what he could possibly mean. Adam and Ethan were smirking proudly at Dean's comment. But I could see they were aggravated by the mention of the man's name.
I know the story. I was literally there. But I don't think the details of what happened after have really hit me.

Dad sighs, "Alright. He better not be dead. That's illegal."

Adam mumbles, "If you knew what happened, you would want him dead too."

"Maybe." Dad states, "But isn't there a way to just get all the bad ones out of town? Some sort of round up, maybe a raid at the hangout spot?"

Adam looks at the others before turning to me. He sighs and answers, looking back to Dad now, "Well, there is one way. If the alpha, or alphas, in some cases, find their mate and finish the full bond, then they have the power to reinforce the scent of a pack's territory enough to keep almost any outside wolf away."

Dad throws up his arms, "Okay, so who's the alpha?"

All the guys answer at the same time, "Me."

Dad stares for a second in disbelief. He looks at me now, "Really? You had to hang out with alphas?" I shrug, it wasn't really my choice to be around them, but I am glad I am. "Alright, and you three are mates?"

They nod.

Adam explains, "For awhile it was just the three of us so we couldn't do anything about the Rogues, the bad werewolves."

Dad interrupts, "Wait, you said only the the three of you? There's a fourth?" The guys stay quiet, awkwardly shuffling without making eye contact with Dad. I roll my eyes at them and cross my arms. "Who's the fourth?"

When no one answers, I take it upon myself to do so.


Three AlphasWhere stories live. Discover now