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The second day of school.

I walk into school, awkwardly, of course.

I'm wearing casual stuff like black jeans, light blue t-shirt, and oh yeah, Adam's leather jacket.
You know, the usual.

My breathing is fast and unsteady, concerning my asthmatic ass, as I quickly walk through the halls. I try to avoid everyone, getting the feeling that they can all read my mind or somehow know that my jacket is actually Adam's.
Can they do that?
Do they know about what happened in the forest yesterday?

I get to my first class and sit by Darius. His eyes immediately snap to mine as I hit the chair. He starts rambling quickly, "Hey! You okay? Yesterday you passed out and I got worried and-" His eyes move from mine to the jacket I'm wearing. "Is that Adam's jacket?" He raised an eyebrow.

I blush and try to ignore the stares of nearby classmates after they overheard Darius. "Um, yeah. It is." I clear my throat, changing topics so I don't get redder. "And I'm fine, I guess. I went home and... met them in the woods." Darius was about to ask questions or maybe rant but I jumped in first, "It's fine! I'm okay. But they had this weird gang off with a couple guys." Darius nodded, seeming like he knew these things happened often, what the fuck. "But then Adam told me to wear his jacket today? I don't know if it's a gang thing or something but... Oh and I almost forgot about the wolves!"

Darius literally choked on his spit, doing a doubletake at my face. "The fucking what? Oh goddamn it!" He looks away from me, glancing at the door. "Okay, I gotta go!" Darius jumps up and runs out of the classroom. I watch curiously as the door slams behind him.

What a strange guy...

Third person POV:

Darius hurries down the hallway, rushing into the bathroom.
Luckily it was empty.

He leans against a wall and calls out in a hushed mumble, "Alphas, we need to talk. Meet me in the bathroom." He knew the other werewolves could hear him with their super hearing so he just waited.

Eventually, Adam and Ethan walked in. Dean came in soon after.

Adam spoke to their right-hand man first, "What's up, man?"

Ethan steps forward in worry, "Is Charlie okay?"

Darius puts on a small glare, "Seriously?" He exclaims, "You stalked him in the woods! In wolf form? What is wrong with you?"

Dean interrupts him, "Do you really think you can speak to your alphas like this?"

Darius rolls his eyes, "I know you three wouldn't last without me! So don't try that with me!" The alphas sigh and let him continue, "Then you basically expose yourselves to him with your dumb hatred for Josh! Then you have to go all possessive asshole and make him wear your jacket? Come on! I really thought you three were smarter than this!"

Adam cuts in, "Okay first of all, it's not just a hatred for Josh! He challenged us. Him and his guys want to take over the pack and they always have! And I gave Charlie my jacket so he'd have my scent. If he doesn't, then Josh will try something! At least now he has the protection of the rest of the pack."

Darius shrugs and puts his hands on his hips, "Okay whatever. And don't think I didn't notice his scent! And I don't mean your jacket! You marked him! How could you do this? Do you know what this means?"

Ethan rolls his eyes, "Of course we know what it means! But we needed to! While he's marked, he's under the protection of the pack. We had to!"

"But," Darius drawls out matter-of-factly, "When you marked Ethan-"

Adam's furious growl cuts him off. "Yes! I know what happened, Darius!"

Ethan looks down at his feet, feeling uncomfortable about the topic. Dean glances at Ethan, sensing his discomfort, "Adam, babe, it's okay. And Darius, you have nothing to worry about. When they marked me, they made the mistake of waiting too long. And..." He glances away for a moment, blinking away the sudden tears at his eyes. "If it weren't for Josh and his duo of dumbies, then it would have been a perfectly enjoyable night."

Darius rolls his eyes, "Yeah, but there was also-"

"We know who else was there, Darius!" Dean's suddenly holding his arm against Darius' throat, shoving him against the wall. "Stop acting like we're stupid! We... We know what we're doing and we won't let Charlie get hurt. Not like we were..."

Adam glances between Ethan and Dean, feeling guilt from his memories of them being hurt during the mating process more than a year before. He looks back to Darius, tapping his hand against Dean's shoulder to get him to let go. "Darius, we just want to be complete. Eighteen years of being incomplete. Then we meet each other and it's still not right. Charlie's the last piece and we're worried about how we can keep him safe." He pauses, taking a deep breath. "When I mated with Ethan, it was the wrong day, wrong time. And then with Dean," He shakes his head at the memory. "Too many people knew about it and it risked his safety as well as the pack's."

"I know." Darius mutters, giving a slow nod. "But guys, you know I'm just looking out for you. That's my job! And now that he's come into town, he's apart of the people that I'm supposed to look out for." Darius forces guilt onto them as he verbally throws it all out at them. "Guys, he's human! And he knows absolutely nothing about our world! He's going to be confused! You need to explain everything to him before you-know-what starts!"

Adam groans loudly, "You knew who he was first! You could tell who he was! You knew he was our mate from the second you met him! You know we can't stay away from him!" Darius looks away from his alpha. "You kept him away from us. You told him to stay away from us. Why?"

"Because he's human! And you've seen him; he's shy and awkward. The kid has problems that won't be helped by you three claiming him like some toy!" Darius pauses, "I think you should've waited. You should've let him ease into our life, like Dean did."

"But he's the only one that's not running from something." Ethan speaks up, "He moved here! With a family! He can't just come live with us and never look back!"

"So find a way around it!" Darius pleads, "I mean, it's too late to just go slow!" He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, the past is the past. So just, explain everything before something goes wrong, alright?"

The three alphas glance to each other before sighing in defeat and Dean speaks up, "Fine. We'll talk to him later." Darius nods, satisfied, and stomps away.

Adam grabs his mates' hands, "Tonight." He says, "Tonight we'll tell him. It's right before everything will start so it should be fine."

"He's going to hate us." Ethan murmurs, shaking his head.


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