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Over dinner, I finally forced us onto the topic in all of our minds.

"So what happened?"

They all stopped what they were doing. Ethan had food sticking out of his mouth and his fork halfway between his plate and his mouth.

Dean, as he set his napkin down, questioned, "What do you mean?"

I cleared my throat, wiggling in my seat uncomfortably. "Um, like the noises and stuff. I couldn't really focus on anything but something happened. Didn't it? With Jason?"

Adam choked on his drink. They all glanced at each other, silently speaking. Dean looked back to me, his eyes soft but firm. "What do you remember?"

I swallowed my nerves before thinking it through. "I remember when you all left. Then someone picked me up. And... um," I cleared my throat again, blushing very visibly. "Then someone, a fourth person, started..."
My words drifted off.

I clearly didn't want to say the sentence out loud. They understood, noting my discomfort. Ethan wraps his arms around himself, staring down at his plate. Adam only looks at me for a second before flicking his to Ethan and back to me.
Holy shit...
Then it occurs to me.
This isn't the first time this has happened.

"Ethan-" I start to say, reaching out to try to hold his hand.

He flinches his hand away and puts on a smile. "It's fine. I got over it, I couldn't even feel it." He pauses, looking at my eyes now. "But you can understand why we were so rushed to mate with you. When the bond is complete, our whole pack is basically forced to protect you."

"But," Adam continues sadly, "We messed up. I messed up, again..." He leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Charlie. I should've been more careful. I should've never let you be left alone."

"He wasn't alone." Dean adds, everyone just now noticing the silent tears dropping down his pale cheek. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, Charlie!" He starts sobbing, lifting his hands to cover his wet face. "I'm so fucking sorry! I'm a fucking terrible mate! I always have been and I always will be! Every time I have a chance to be better, I ruin it."

I stand up from my chair, hurrying to wrap my arms around him. I pull his head against my tummy as I pet through his curls. His face wipes onto my t-shirt, wetting the cloth.

"It's okay, baby." I mumble in a hushed tone. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. It's Jason's." I pull his face away from me, holding him in my hands to force him to look up at me. Even though his face is red and his eyes are puffy, he's still one of three most beautiful people I've ever seen. "Dean, I love you and I do not blame you for what happened to me."

Dean nods, raising his hand to wipe away the last of his tears. I sit back down, watching Dean's gorgeous face brighten up. I look back forward, making eye contact with Adam. He smiles with closed lips, seemingly happy but yet I can tell that he needs to change the topic.

Adam softly gripped my hand, soothing me. He said quietly, "Do you remember if they finished?" My eyes shot up to his.

"What? Why would you care about that? What the fu-" Adam placed his finger on my lips, cutting me off.

"We need to know if he bonded. Did he knot you?" I stared at Adam, blushing before I decided to stare down at my plate.

I whispered, already upset, "No, I don't think so." I paused. "I'm really tired. Can I just go to bed?"

Ethan stood up, holding out his hand. "Yeah, come on." I took his hand and let him lead me upstairs. He brought me into the bedroom, our bedroom. He pulled me over to the closet, "As much as I like seeing you in our clothes, soon you'll have to go back home."

That made me realize something.
And at home...

"Wait!" I grab Ethan's arm, staring up at him with wide eyes. "What does my dad think? He's probably so worried!"

Ethan scoffed, "Don't worry about it. Darius took care of it."
What does that mean?
I don't think Darius would be the best at handling things like this.
Ethan pulled out a large red sweater and some sweatpants. He handed them to me and led me to a bathroom. "You can take a shower in here and then just come back in the bedroom. We'll be waiting for you." He leant down to kiss my cheek before he left with a shy grin.

Ethan had left, closing the door behind him. I swallowed thickly, glancing at the shower.

I turned on the shower, adjusting it to the right temperature, before undressing and stepping in. It felt so warm, water running down my back. It carries away all of the sweat and the other bodily fluids that have been spread around my body after the past week.

I had slight bruises on my hips and hickeys on my neck. The hot water helped soothe my sore back and butt and legs. I sigh into the water, letting it flow freely into my hair and down my face.
I just needed a moment to myself.
A moment of silence to ponder over the amazing dream I have just started living.

After I was done washing, I hopped out of the shower. I dried off and slipped on the sweater and sweatpants I was given.

I admired myself in the mirror.

I looked like a new person.
Almost an adult, considering the bonding was more of an adult thing, big decision, life-changing action.
Most people will probably say that I shouldn't have made a decision like this when I'm so young. But I think I did what's right. It feels right. With everything I am, I know that I made the right decision.

I took a deep breath and exited the bathroom. I headed for the bedroom, spotting the boys already in there. Dean was lounging on the bed, shirtless. Adam had just taken off his shirt and was standing near the closet. Ethan sat on the edge of the bed.

I stood awkwardly in the doorway, making myself smaller. Their heads all looked up, quickly noticing me. Dean smirked at me. He sat up, looking me up and down. "Come here." I gulped at his words but shuffled forward.

As soon as I was in reach, he grabbed my hips and pulled me between his legs. I grumbled as I grabbed his shoulders to keep me from falling, "Dean-"

"You look beautiful." He mumbled as I looked down at him. His hands moved to the hem of the sweater. He pulled it up slightly, revealing the skin of my lower belly. He pressed a kiss to my skin, then pressing his forehead to my tummy, nuzzling affectionately. "You know," He starts, still against me. "That's my sweater."

"Well, it's very nice." I mutter, petting his soft brown curls.

His hands suddenly found their way to my ass. He squeezed harshly, causing me to breathe in a hard breath, one that probably sounded of uncomfort or pain.

Adam spoke up as he came closer, "Hey, he's still sore. Take it easy." Dean rolled his eyes and moved his hands back to my hips.

Once Adam had sat on the bed, moving to the headboard, Dean pulled me onto the bed. They all laid down, putting me in the middle. I was between Dean and Adam. Ethan still kept a hand on my waist from over Adam's body.

This was a nice way to sleep.
I like it.
I can get used to it.

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