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After hours and hours, who knows how long, they had a short discussion. I could barely focus on them as they came back towards me. Luckily they hadn't put the gag back into my mouth, letting me breathe harshly through my mouth.
Damn, I wish I had my inhaler.

Josh stroked my cheek, speaking quietly to me. "Charlie, we're done." His voice was somewhat soothing, and he pet my sweaty hair as if to calm me.

Of course, I couldn't understand or even try to understand what he was talking about. I just stared at the ceiling as Josh buried his face in my neck.

Then I felt it.
Sharp pointed teeth in my skin.

I gasped, letting out an ear shattering scream. My arms tried to lift from my side but the ropes kept me from throwing him off. My legs kicked and my back arched in pain. I felt warm liquid drip out of my skin.

Josh pulled back, my blood dripping through his lips. My back arched even as he had pulled away, my tied down limbs keeping me in place. I let out constant groans and grunts as I felt the bite take over. It's like a fire was burning through my body, sizzling my blood through my veins.

My body was fighting the werewolf bite, making me scream from the rejection pain. I tried to pull at the restraints but I was still stuck in place. I scowled at the men that watched as I struggled in pain.

The pain was worse than anything I've ever felt. Worse than a million asthma attacks, hundred panic attacks! It felt like my blood was boiling and my head was getting forced down in an angry ocean. I was drenched in sweat and my neck dripped blood.

Josh and Mike turned around, heading over to a table at the other side of the room. They set the bag full of torture devices on the top and they started putting stuff back in it.

I felt my eyes tingle slightly, a small buzzing feeling. It wasn't uncomfortable, almost satisfying. A flash of red passes through my vision; the whole world turned a light red before going back to their normal colors. 

In an instant, everything seems so much more in focus. I can see each splinter in the wood of the door across the room. And the leaf that just fell to the ground outside crinkles from impact.

Even though I couldn't see myself, I had the feeling that a glowing red covered my irises now. All the signs point to yes.
A werewolf bit me.
I'm mated to the alphas, meaning I'm an alpha now.
Alpha = Red.

After one more yank at the restraints, the ropes ripped. I hopped off the table, somehow having the strength to rip sturdy ropes and even stand up after hours of torture.

Bringing my hand up to wipe at my busted lip, I realized claws had replaced my fingernails and long pointed canines were in my mouth.
I'm a werewolf now.
Shit, this is quite the plot twist.

Mike and Josh turn around, spotting me with my new physical traits. They both freeze in place and stare at me in shock.

Mike mumbled, "That's not supposed to happen..." He paused, gulping as he slapped Josh's arm. "I thought you were going to kill him!"

"I guess I didn't bite deep enough!" Josh exclaims, stepping back.

They coward back, seeing my untrained supernatural rage and hostility. I'm out of control and have no experience with my new abilities. Plus, I'm fucking pissed.

Anger clouds my mind, taking over in my unstable state. All the pain these two have caused me, all they've taken away from me!
They've been threatening my mates.
They've threatened my pack.
They hurt Darius!
And Dean... What did they do to Dean?

They deserve everything coming their way.

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