Chapter 12

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3rd pov

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3rd pov

         "Hey how come she doesn't get to do any work", a club member fussed. "Who", Kai asked ready to complain as well. The fox looked side to side before leaning on towards Kai.

       "That white wolf, does she really think she's that better than us", he fussed. Kai loooked over the Foxes should to see Y/n sitting under the tree with headphones on. Her arms were wrapped around her legs as she hid her face in her lap.

       "We don't need her help anyway", Kai stated. "But still we should complain it's unfair", the fox replied. "Look just leave her alone, here bring his over to Fudge", Kai said a she handed the fox a box of stuff. The fox rolled his eyes then walked away from him.

       "What happened", Legoshi ask as he stopped beside Kai. "He was complaining about Y/n", Kai replied. "Do you know what happened", Legoshi mumbled. "I don't know, it's not any of our business", Kai said. "But I think that rich boy Louis did something to her", Kai snapped.

        "Wow Kai, I didn't think you were the type to worry about her", Dom, the peafowl, said causing the two to turn around and face him.

      "I'm not", Kai snapped. "It's just, she used to be a lot helpful, but now she refuses to talk to any of us", he explained. "I don't care what happened, I just don't want her to see her get kicked out of the club", he added. "Trust me Kai, we all are worried about her, but we can't put the blame on Louis", Don stated causing him to scoff.

      "What ever you say, but I know he did something", Kai said as he grabbed a box of stuff. "He seems like the type to do something", he added before walking away.  Legoshi glanced over to where Y/n was sitting.

      "Don't worry she won't get kicked out", Dom stated. "If she really wanted to get kicked out she would've stay in her dorm", Dom added before walking away. Legoshi took a deep breathe then exhaled before starting to head over to where Y/n was. Once he was close to where she was sitting he began walking slowly not it scare her, even if she's a wolf he knew something wasn't right about her.

"Uh hey y/n", he said, but she didn't lift her head. He mentally fussed at himself for not seeing she had headphones on. He slowly began reaching towards her ready to tap her shoulder, but froze when she suddenly lifted her head scaring him. He jumped back a bit. She took her headphone off and placed them on her knees.

"What is it", Y/n asked in a crackly voice. "Hey uh how are you doing", he asked. "Just fine", she replied. Legoshi once again fussed at himself for asking that. Now it was a awkward quiet now.

"So are you excited for the festival", he asked. "I won't be going", she replied. "Uh how come", he asked. "I don't have anyone to go to with", she answered.

"No worries, the club members will be there I'm sure they'll let you jo-Legoshi", Y/n said causing him to stop taking. "Y-Yeah", he stuttered. "I really appreciate what you're doing, but for now just leave me alone", she mumbled. Legoshi sighed then began rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look I know I'm not very good at these type things, but I want to help whatever it is you're going through", he said. "Why, we were never really friends, Legoshi", she snapped. "And don't go on some bullshit saying we're wolves and we need to stick together", she added. Legoshi sat on the ground in front of her causing her to shuffle back a bit.

"Look, you may not really realize it you helped me big time", he stated. "Helped you? I never helped you with anything besides lighting", Y/n replied causing Legoshi to shake his head. He looked around a bit before leaning on slightly.

        "Remember when we accidentally went to the black market", he whispered. "And you helped", he added. " I just did what I thought was right, I know how it feels to..lose control", Y/n replied.  "I know, but if it weren't for you I could've did something terrible", Legoshi mumbled while glancing back. Y/n followed his gaze to see he was looking at a bandages Haru. She quickly looked away and stated staring down at the ground.

         "I advise against it", she mumbled causing Legoshi to look at her. "Against what", he questioned. "Getting with her, the rabbit", she said. "The rumors are true about her, but trust me she's different", Legoshi explained causing her to shake her head.

        "I don't care for the rumors, she's a herbivore", she sighed. "So? I think no I really like her", Legoshi replied causing Y/n to shake her head.

        "You don't get it Legoshi, no matter how badly we hope things will be different, no matter how hard we try it just doesn't work out",  she said. "You don't mean that", he replied. "Oh I don't? What make you say that", she snapped. Legoshi glanced at the ground then back at her.

       "Louis, I mean he's important to you isn't he", he  questioned. Y/n went to speak, but stopped. "I don't know what happened between you to I'm sure it'll turn out fine, it always does", he said. "Maybe to you Legoshi, it doesn't work out for anyone", she said. "It'll work out, you just I don't know try your hardest",he suggested causing her to sigh. 

          "Forget about Louis and I, you and that rabbit girl will never work out", Y/n stated. "Why do assume that, have you even met her", he asked causing Y/n to scoff, Legoshi's eyes widen a bit slightly.

           "Did you hurt her", he asked causing Y/n to look away. Legoshi shook his head slowly.

            "Why? Why would you", he began to ask. "It's none of your business", she snapped. "It is my business now, Y/n what happened", he asked. Y/n hurriedly stood up and began to leave, but Legoshi was quick to grab her by the shoulders.

            "Just tell me Y/n", he asked getting close to her fave. Y/n raised her paw and sipes her claws across his face. Legoshi was able to jump back in time before she could scratch him.

            Y/n stared wide eye at him then at her paw then back at him. Legoshi sighed then took a step forward.

            "You don't have to tell me anything, just please when you're ready tell me everything", he said. "I'm not too worried about Haru's sake, I'm more worried about you Y/n", he added. He noticed her eyes watered a bit and she slightly shook a bit. He went to say something, but stopped when she took a deep breathe and went back to her emotionless look on her face. She pulled her hood up and began heading for the exit.

          As she was walking Louis was heading in the same direction. He stopped for a quick second, but kept walking. As they passed one another they didn't glance at each nor acknowledge one another.

           The next day word got out that Haru, the white rabbit was kidnapped by the Shishigumi and Y/n did not show up at the park to help the drama club members.

Author: well that's it guys!

Author: NAH JUST PLAYING, next chapter will most likely be the last unless I get more ideas how to add more.
Author: hope you enjoyed this one!I know many people don't enjoy 3rd pov


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