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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

Why did I have to come to this school, I rather be home schooled. I began whimpering silently as more students started to appear. I walked through the halls of Cherryton Academy.

My name is Y/n L/n and I'm an albino wolf, one of a the rare breeds of wolves. Students gave me curious or fearful stares as they saw me. I despise it when people look at me. I kept my head as low as I can, to avoid their watchful eyes. Not being able to see in front of me I bump into someone, great. I heard gasps from the students as I did, great I bumped into someone who shouldn't be mess with.

"S-Sorry", I mumbled and tried to walk away, but the animal blocked my way.

"Another timid wolf", the animal said, I quickly glance up at them to see a deer. "Wolves shouldn't act so timid", he stated, I just kept my head down. What's up with this deer? He saw the map in my hand. "That map is useless, where are you going", he asked. "I'm looking for the drama club", I mumbled. Weird for me for wanting to join drama club, I only want to work behind the scenes its fun like that.

"I'm heading there so you can just follow me", he replied, just great. "Ok", I replied and walked along side him. It was an awkwardly silent, which was awkward, but good I didn't want to talk.

"I'm surprise a wolf like you would attend this school", he stated, what is that suppose to me. "We have no albino wolves here", he added, oh that's what he meant. "oh okay", I replied causing him to sigh. "You're just like Legoshi", he stated, who? "Legoshi is also a wolf, acts like a herbivore just like you", he added. Did he just insult me and Legoshi? "Are you joining to play in the upcoming play", he asked and I shook my head. "I-I want to work behind scenes", I replied. "Good, we need a few extra hands", he replied as he opened the door. "You go in, I have other business to attend to", he said and walked away. I watched as he left before going in.

As I walked in herbivores were one side and carnivores on the other. The worst part was as soon as they enter everyone faced me. "Great another carnivore", a zebra sneered, causing me to shrink away. I was thinking about leaving, but the pelican stopped me.

"Oh! you must be Y/n", he said a she approached me. "Ye-yeah that's me", I mumbled. "I'm glad you email me, we do need a few extra hands behind the scenes, you can just mingle around", he said and walked away, leaving with the other students. I went to stand in the corner, hoping no one approached me.

"Wow your fur is so beautiful", a cheetah said as she approached me. "Oh thanks", I mumbled. "I'm Shelia", she stated while smiling at me. "I'm Y/n", I replied with a small smile. "Your just like Legoshi", a tiger stated, who is this Legoshi guy. "Are you guys related", Shelia asked and I shook my head. "I-I don't know who that is", I replied. "You guys have to meet", the tiger stated.

"Alright everyone get ready, we'll be starting soon", the deer from before announced. "See you later, Y/n", Sheila said and she left along with the Tiger. "Y/n you come with me", the deer said and I nodded my head. I noticed a tall wolf right beside him. He just stared at me, which made me avoid eye contact with him as we walked with the deer. We enter a office, I guess it was his. There was a goat in there waiting for us.

"Oh Louis", he said, I guess that was the deer's name. "Legoshi and Y/n have his costume be fitted by tomorrow's rehearsal ", Louis stated. "What", Legoshi, I guessing the wolf asked. "Zoe is Tem's replacement", he stated. Tem was an alpaca that was murdered yesterday, I heard about it on Instagrass. "We all selected him during the meeting, right", Louis asked facing the goat.

"How ironic to see you here, Oddie the Water Spirit", Louis said, I guess it was their lines. Zoe gave Louis a confused look. "We're rehearsing, what are Oddie's lines", Louis asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't memorize them yet", Zoe replied. Louis walked towards him and grabbed him by his chin. "What are they, spit it out", he asked. "Don't tell me you ate the script", Louis asked, that's rude. "Don't tell me you goats are only good for eating paper", he sneered.

"H-Hey that's too far, he'll memorize them soon", I cut in causing Louis to face me. He released Zoe and walked towards me. I shrunk away slowly as he did. Before he could say anything someone opened the door.

"Louis, why is Zoe replacing Tem, it should be me", the weasel asked. "Don't you know how to knock", Louis asked and backed away from me. "Go memorize your lines", Louis snapped at Zoe. Zoe hurriedly walked away, smiling at me as he passed me. "Why are you two in here, don't you work for the art department", the weasel sneered.

"Yeah, we should get going", Legoshi mumbled while looking at me, I nodded my head agreeing with him. "No, you two stay", Louis stated. "Kai, you three will need to get along, since you'll be working together in the art department", Louis stated. Kai stared at Louis in disbelief. I heard shuffling outside the door, I guess the others were listening.

"You made your choice during the meeting, you will no longer serve as an actor", Louis stated. As Louis kept going on and on Kai got more pissed at each word. Kai threw a punch at Louis, but Legoshi and I blocked him, wait why did I protect him? "Actor's safety come's first", Legoshi mumbled. "Kai, he's the star", Legoshi added, Kai just glared at us.

"Who the hell do you think you guys are", he sneered then looked at me. "And you, you just got here, why protect him", he snapped. "You saw first hand how arrogant he is", he added. "Like Legoshi said, Actor's safety first", I mumbled. "You damn albino wolves, think you're so much better than us, when really you're all just a bunch of freaks", he sneered, I hate that word, the word freaks.

I felt anger in my chest before going into my throat and turning into a growl. I opened my mouth showing him my fangs, growling as I did. Kai saw my fangs and backed off.

"I-i'll let it go this time", Kai stuttered. "Must be nice being rich nothing ever harms you", Kai told Louis before leaving. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT", Kai shouted at the others before slamming the door. "Good job", Legoshi mumbled and I nodded my head.

"Hmph, showing your fangs to avoid a fight, i'm surprised", Louis stated. "I thought you were just trying to fit in with the herbivores, but in reality you have a savage in you", Louis stated. "I-should get going now", I stuttered and tried to leave, but someone grabbed my tail, it was Louis. Why won't he let me leave. "You two will be useful", Louis stated. "We're going to sneak into the theater later tonight to help Zoe with rehearsal", he added.

"But what if we get caught", Legoshi asked. "That's why you're going to be the look out", Louis replied. "Are you going to turn it down and act like a hero", Louis asked, Legoshi avoided eye contact with him. He used his other hand and pulled Legoshi closer by his tie. The other had a strong grip on my tail, great i'm stuck. "Disappointing, what if I offer you one of my legs", Louis stated. "You would salivated and happily accept wouldn't you", Louis added. "You two are wolves, take advantage of it", Louis stated, then looked at me.

"W-Why do I need to come", I asked. "You can be my bodyguard while we'll rehearsing, never know what carnivore may attack me", he stated. "And also, I want you to see our rehearsal, maybe you'll think about joining the actors team", he added. "Why would I want to join", I asked. "Your fur would be useful in future plays, since albino wolves are rare", he stated as he relaed my tail and Legoshi's tie. "Hopefully I'll see you guys tonight", he said, I just nodded my head along with Legoshi and I finally left his office.

What have I gotten myself into?

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