Chapter 4

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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

     "Hey, Legoshi I would move the light a little to the right", I said. Legoshi nodded his head and went to move the light. "That is a better spot, thanks y/n", he replied and I nodded my head. 

     "For an albino wolf you act too..", Kai said as he held a finger under his chin. "Too what", I asked as he thought of a word to describe me. "I got it, humble yeah you're too humble", Kai stated. "Is that a bad thing", I asked. "No, I thought you act more arrogant like Louis", he answered. "Louis doesn't act that arrogant", I said. "Yes he does", he exclaimed. "Why do you girls even love him", he asked. "I don't have a crush on him", I snapped. 

     "Quiet down Kai", Legoshi said, thank you Legoshi. "Anyway Legoshi did you ever thought about becoming an actor", Kai asked. "No, never even once", he answered. "I have to fix this lightening", he added, trying to drop the conversation.  "What about you", Kai asked and I shook my head. "Shocker", he chuckled and I glared at him. "What's that suppose to mean", I asked. "You albino wolves always want the spotlight", he stated. "You don't care what kind from sports to art and etc", he added. As Kai went on and on about my species another voice interrupted.

Y/n! you must dance like you're a professional

Y/n,you got to sit and dress like a lady, no disgusting hoodies

y/n! what did I tell you, you must speak proper




y/n, you have to dance



y/n, you have to run 



y/n! stop dressing like a common mutt!




y/n, you must eat the rabbit

    "SHUT UP", I growled at Kai showing my fangs by mistake. Kai stared at me in fear. My eyes widen in shock, realizing what I did. I covered my mouth and looked away. "Sorry", I mumbled and stood up. I started speed walking towards the bathroom. Once I arrived I rushed inside and turned the faucet on. I began to wet my face then dry it with a towel. I stared at myself in the mirror. Why do I keep hearing my mother's voice. Is something wrong with me? As I looked in the mirror I saw a shadowy figure that looked just like me.

    "You got to eat you know", they said. I looked down and turned the faucet off. "Ignoring me again huh", they cackled. "I'm you, i know when you're hungry", they added. "Think about the delicious soft fur as you tear the small rabbit open to taste that tender flesh", they cooed.  I felt my mouth hang open slightly and started to salivate. I hurriedly lift my skirt and dug my hand in the pocket of my shorts and pulled out a tissue. I pressed the tissue against my nose, the tissue smelled like a field of flowers. 

    "YOU REALLY THINK THOSE WILL HELP YOU, MUTT", they screamed in the mirror as they began to disappear. "Trust me! a wolf will go mad with hunger just you SEE", they screeched before dispersing.  I removed the tissue from my snout and threw it in the garbage. Why did my predator side show itself again, what is happening to me?

     "Hey y/n, Louis wants to see you", a voice said outside the door. "Coming", I said and began to fix my skirt then left the bathroom. 

    I made it to Louis's office and opened the door. As I walked in saw Louis rush to stand up. I closed the door behind me as I entered.

    "You wanted to see me", I asked, all he did was glare at me. He glared at me as he went to sit at his desk. 

    "Why didn't you knock first", he snapped. "Sorry,", I mumbled as I looked away. "Did you call for me", I asked and he nodded his head. "Yes, I want you to help Legoshi with the lightening", he answered and I gave him a confused look. "Why call me in here if you were only going to tell me that", I asked. "I mean Legoshi is an expert at it, I doubt he'll need any of my assistance", I added. "Are you saying you won't do it", he asked and I shook my head. "No not at all, I still will assist him", I replied, for some reason he kept staring at my hands. 

    "You're body is really aggressive", he stated. "I'm sorry, I guess", I replied and raised my hands to see my nails grew shark once again. "I just clipped them yesterday", I sighed. Louis suddenly stood up and stalked towards me.

     "You can't control it", he asked, he was glaring harshly at me, what's up with him. As he stalked towards me I began to back up. "Those feral instincts, you struggle to keep them inside", he added. I stopped backing up ready to tell him off, but he shoved his hand against my chest making my back hit the wall. 

    "I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now", he said, I don't like where this is going. "Why don't you accept your own strength or even your own status",he asked. Before I could answer he interrupted me.  "If you can't hide how strong you are show me", he said. "What", I asked suddenly his hand gripped my neck, causing me to look at him in alarm.

    "I said show me your fangs", he restated. "It's illegal to show our fangs to an herbivore-",I tried to say.

    "I'M NOT JUST AN HERBIVORE", He shouted, causing me to jump slightly. "Carnivores like you, even the female ones like you annoy me", he stated as his hand went to the front of my snout. His finger made my mouth open. He then placed his hand in my mouth making my fangs touch his hand, almost cutting his skin. "Come at me with everything you got", he snapped. 

     "BITE ME", he snapped. My fangs accidentally pierce his skin a little when shook my head. He stared at me in shock then released my mouth. I held my stomach, coughing hoping I didn't taste his blood. "Please give me water", I coughed, trying not to taste his blood. Louis went and grabbed a bottle from inside his desk and handed it to me. I grabbed it and began to drink the blood as fast as I could. Once I finished, my breathing went back to normal. 

     "I don't know what's up with you, but Louis I need to hold back, I need to hide my strength away", I said. "All my life I wished I somehow turned into a mouse or a rabbit, I want to be small and weak", I said. "Being an albino wolf has to be the worst species, to me honestly", I said then looked at him. 

     "Even if you're a herbivore, you are string, stronger than me", I stated as I stood up. "Physically and mentally", I added as I head for the door. "So just show just how strong you are at the play tomorrow", I said. then left.

Louis's pov

      "That's the last thing I expect to hear from a wolf like you", I said once the door close. I looked at the water bottle on my desk, where Y/n drank from. Before she drank it, she had a weird look on her face, it was look full of fear. 

    Why would she freak out over a simple bite?


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