Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this", I sighed as I stood by the stage. Louis somehow persuade Legoshi, Zoe and I to sneak into the theater at night, which is against the rules. On my first day of school I broke the rules, just great.

"Y/n, are you paying attention", Louis asked and I nodded my head. I watched as they practiced their lines. To be honest I used to want to be an actor, when I was younger. "Us wolves shouldn't be such fakers", my mother used to say. I guess after that I just lost interest. It's not like I could anyway. I hate when people stare at or watch me, its so suffocating.

"Even my body dissapears into the air, my water spirit-GAHH-", Zoe exclaimed as he lost his footing, before he could fall, Louis grabbed him pulling him the opposite direction, but Louis ended up falling off stage. Louis landed on the ground. "LOUIS", Zoe exclaimed as I rushed towards him. "I'll get Legoshi", Zoe shouted and ran outside.

"Are you okay", I asked as he sat up. "I'm fine, its nothing", he replied, he was lying. I smelt a slight sense of blood. "No you're not", I replied and he glared at me. I ripped a piece of cloth from my skirt.

"That's indecent",

"It's indecent to get blood on the floor, now let me see your ankle"

"You might salivate at the sight of my blood"

"I rather drink from a toilet then drink your blood, Louis", I replied and he gave me a disgusted look. "Now let me see or Legoshi and Zoe will see", I said. He stared at me before showing me his ankle. His ankle was really messed up, it was bloody and bruised. I wrapped the cloth around his ankle as gently as I can. "There", I said and he hurriedly hid his ankle. "Thanks", he mumbled as soon as Legoshi and Zoe ran in. "Don't tell them", he mumbled and I nodded my head, this guy pride is humongous.

"Are you okay", Legoshi asked. "It's nothing", Louis replied. "He tried to save me", Zoe stated. "It's dark in here so I couldn't see the floor, so I lost my footing", Zoe stated. By how Louis foo its he can't perform.

"If Louis can't perform, I don't know what I'll do", Zoe said while looking down. "This isn't about you", Louis snapped. "I'll be fine tomorrow, its just sore", Louis stated then looked at me. "Y/n, can you help me up", Louis asked and I nodded my head. I helped him slowly to his feet.

"Thank you Legoshi for watching", Louis said. "No problem", Legoshi replied. "Did anything happen out there", Louis asked causing Legoshi to tense up? I sniffed the air a bit, I smelled a blood.

Not Louis's, a rabbit's?

"No", Legoshi stated while looking down, something did happen. "We should get going", Louis aid and tried to walk, but failed too. "I can help you", I said and he glared at me. "I'm fine", he replied, but still failed. "You won't be able to see in the dark", I stated. Louis glared at me then sighed. "Fine", he said and I walked towards him. I wrapped his arm around my shoulders and helped him stand up without using the stage as support.

"Are you sure Y/n", Legoshi asked, I would let him, but I don't trust him. "Yeah I got it", I replied as we all left the theater. Legoshi and Zoe went into the opposite direction. I helped Louis to his dorm room.

"Why did you refuse Legoshi's help", Louis asked. "You know the campus well, once I drop you off you can tell me where the girl's dorm is", I replied. He looked unconvinced, but didn't ask any further. "Between you and legoshi, you're more talkative", he stated. "Is that a good thing", I asked. "I guess a good thing", he replied and I smiled. "Between you and my mother, I can stand you", I stated and he glared at me.

"Is that a compliment",

"I guess it is", I replied. "This is my dorm", he said and moved his arm from around my shoulder. "Thanks for helping me", he said and I nodded my head. "You're welcome", I replied and tried to walk away, but once again he grabbed my tail.

"What's with you in tail grabbing", I snapped and he shrugged his shoulders. "It was the closest thing to grab", he replied and I sighed. "What is it then", I asked. "You act different when no one's around, why's that" he asked. "Uh Louis, I need to go we'll get in trouble", I stated and he shook his head. "More like you'll get in trouble, we're in the male's dorm rooms, I am a male so I'm safe", he stated and I glared at him.

"Why do you act different when there are no animals", he asked. "I don't like animals looking at me", I answered. "That's dumb, shouldn't you be glad", he replied and I glared at him. "Louis, some animals don't like albino wolves much, I rather be a scaly lizard then a white fluffy canine", I snapped and got my tail out of his grip. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be leaving", I said and began walking away, before stopping.

"Oh and don't forget to tend to your ankle, reaper", I stated and walked away. What's with that deer? He' such a egoistical douche, but why am I myself when around him. Usually I would be nervous, right?

What's wrong with me?

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