Chapter 11

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3rd pov

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3rd pov

       Haru was frozen in her spot as Y/n stared straight at her while Louis was trying to get Y/n to look at him. Haru moved an inch from her spot causing Y/n's face to go from shock to feral look of a hungry wolf. Louis glanced back at Haru then back at Y/n. Y/n started to growl causing salvia drip from her mouth then straight onto the floor. 

     Louis kept his gaze on Y/n as he slowly backed up towards Haru. As much as he hated that Y/n caught him at the wrong time, he couldn't let Haru die because of his selfish mistake. Louis was now near the bed to wear Haru was seated. Haru grabbed the blanket to keep herself covered and jumped off the bed to hide behind Louis. Since this was the gardening club's shed, there were little branches on the floor. Haru just so happened to step on one causing it to make a loud snapping sound.

      Y/n lunged straight at Louis and Haru, but Louis grabbed Haru and moved them both aside. Y/n crashed her head straight into the wall behind them, but she was soon back on her feet. She stood up and stared at the two herbivores in hunger, she was staring more at Haru. Louis grabbed Haru and shoved her towards the exit. Haru ran straight for the exit with Louis tailing behind her. Louis realized his mistake while doing this, but it was too late. 

Never turn your back on a wild animal. 

      Y/n jumped at Louis causing him to turn around to block the entrance. Y/n opened her mouth ready to bite straight into Louis's neck, but Louis use this right arm to block her bite. Her teeth sunk in deep into his arm. He released a pained groan as he fell onto the ground with her onto on him. She stared straight into his eyes as she bit down harder. Louis stared up at her in fear and regret as she tried to devour his arm.

     Y/n shook her head causing her eyes to go back to normal. She made a shocked and regret look as she began removing her teeth out of his arm. That was until the sound of someone taking a step back caught her attention. She looked up and her eyes locked onto Haru again causing her to go back into her feral stage. She kept off Louis charging at Haru, but he turned over and grabbed her tail causing her to let out a whimper and crash on head onto the pavement. 

     "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, GO", He shouted at Haru. Haru gripped the blanket and rushed out of the garden club area. Y/n was quick on her feet, she her tail out of Louis' grip then ran after Haru. 

     Haru was able to tie the blanket around her as she ran straight for the double doors that lead to the stairs.  She shoved the doors open then ran down the stairs, the adrenaline made her run a tad bit faster. Which was helpful but, the sound of her blood pumping faster, the sound of her heartbeat beating faster, the fear smell she was giving off made Y/n's instincts go off the charts and made her run after her faster as well. 

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