the other side

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So....this is a change of the plots.....hope u will understand at the end of this chapter.....

The Dawn Trader sailed with its sail filled with wind. It tossed gently over the water as if dancing. The flirting wind seemed to play with its beautiful curls. The small boats parted as if making way for it. Even the trees seemed to bow before its majesty.

Standing on the deck were the most valiant queen of narnia,Lucy; the high king, Peter; the just, Edmund and the beautiful queen Susan. They stood there watching the horizon with pride in their eyes.

Everything seemed so perfect. The sky was like a canvass where the painter has painted the most perfect picture. The orange colours of the dawn filled the sky. The birds chirped a beautiful song.

It was then that something suddenly disturbed the painter and the sky became a shade of grey. The four pair of eyes which seemed so happy only a few moments ago became stormy. They looked at each other and immediately knew that each confirmed others fears.

"A storm is coming",Peter yelled to the crew as they ran to the helm. Sooner than expected the storm came towards them in it's full force.

They held on to the helm but it was almost impossible to keep the ship steady. The storm blinded them. The sail was in rags and the ship was on the brink of snapping into twigs. Yet they held on with the little force they had. They couldn't see any land. The waves roared and then they saw what was causing it. And guess what it was the white witch. She stood there,proud and tall.

"Give up,Peter",she said in a dreamy voice."I've a more powerful ally this time".

"I won't give up", he yelled back.

She just laughed and with that the Strom became more violent. The ship rocked as if a toy on the sea.

Then she disappeared in a cloud of earth. This confused them. They knew that they had no chance of reaching safely yet they didn't give up.

And then something magical happened. A white illuminating light came from nowhere surrounding the ship. The storm didn't seem to in the least disturb it. It carried the ship to safety. They understood that they reached land but were so tired that they passed away.

a secret to defeat the enemy(a pj and narnia crossover)Where stories live. Discover now