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The sight that met their eyes in the forest was mesmerising. Everything seemed so peaceful. The lush green blinded them. The rays of sun streamed through the trees as if playing hide and seek with them. The leaves rustled with the slightest wind. It seemed as if nature was in a pretty generous mood while creating this green heaven. The dew drops on the leaves shone like diamond in the morning sun. The lyrical music of birds invited them and the animals welcomed them. They strode through the single lane in the whole undisturbed forest. They were so absorbed in these that they didn't notice that wherever their feet bent the grass it automatically stood up.

No one uttered a single sound. It was as if nature has cast a silencing spell on the group. But little did they know that the sight which was awaiting them would altogether take away their breaths.

The sudden burst of golden sun through the greenery made them feel dizzy. They squeezed their eyes shut. Finally when they were able to open them, they just remained staring at the sight in front them.

Just a little distance from them stood the most majestic of palaces. "Guys close your mouth. You are all looking like clowns.", Leo yelled. They just became aware that their mouths were hanging open. They quickly closed their mouths and Leo burst out laughing. Calypso punched his arm playfully and he put his arms up in a peace gesture. They entered the palace and Leo turned to face them "Welcome to the palace of the amazing Leo Valdez", he said receiving a playful glare from Calypso.

They entered the palace with grins plastered on their faces. They were lost in the majesty of the palace. But Peter was the first to recover.

"So let's sit down. We need to talk. What did she say?? Who are you? Who is Percy? And most importantly did she mean attacking my narnia?", said Peter.

"whoa, calm down. You are almost like Percy. Now I'll answer your questions one by one. First I'm a demigod and calypso is a titan. Now before you ask what is a demigod-well we are half god half human that is one of our parents is a god and the other a human. Mine dad is haespasteus, the blacksmith god. That woman was geae who wishes to rule the world and it is the duty of us demigods to fight those wars. And as for your other question no she doesn't plan to attack narnia but wants to use it against us demigods. You must have a pretty strong army to catch gaea's attention", Leo said.

Saying Peter was dumbstruck was pretty less. He was trying to wrap her mind around the things that Leo had said.

By the time he had returned to his senses Leo had already walked over to Calypso and they were talking about something but their voices were so low that it was barely audible. "But you didn't tell who is Percy?", peter asked. "You will find that out for yourself but I can give one advice never ever make Percy mad. A mad Percy is more dangerous than even a horde of monsters."

"Don't frighten him Leo. Peter, Percy is the best friend that a person can have. His friends are his everything and one more thing don't anger annabeth.", Calypso said. It was the first time he had heard her speak. Her voice had the same calmness as the forest.

"So how do we call them?", Lucy asked. All of the narnians had sat so silent during the entire conversation that they had almost forgotten they were there. They jumped up hearing their voice.
"Leave that to us.", saying this Leo stood up and went to a fountain which stood in the middle of the room. Sunlight was streaming through the open windows and made a rainbow over the fountain. "O, fleecy, do me a favour, show me Percy Jackson in camp half-blood." The rainbow shimmered for sometime but then nothing happened. Leo groaned.

"Well, it failed. Now do any of you have any means of communication?"
Everyone sat there silent for sometime thinking about how to connect them. But none came with an idea. Finally Susan spoke," My horn". Both leo and Calypso stood there bewildered but the narnians had a glint of hope in their eyes. It was enough to  tell them that it was worth a try.

"What about the horn?"
"It was a gift to me. It would always bring help wherever we are when blown".

"Just blow it", Calypso said.
And Susan put the horn to her mouth and blew. The sound was melodious but nothing happened.

"It may take time so let's tale some rest I am really tired" , Lucy said." Just keep the soldiers on guard. We can never be sure with the enemy".

They all nodded their consent and walled up to their rooms while leo and calypso sat down on the couch.

a secret to defeat the enemy(a pj and narnia crossover)Where stories live. Discover now